Happy Birthday Batman!

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HST Expert
Hy oh mr. Batman

Oh I see, you're a "spring chicken"!

Have a happy birthday dude, you're wise beyond your years for sure!
Thanks Faust, Tot.


I just got home and logged in now that it's just an hour and a half before my birthday is over. Work was hectic! But it was nice. For some reason, I like formatting a drive and reinstalling Fedora Core (currently 5, hoping to get my hands on 6 soon!), since there was no problem, I just removed all "cholesterol", and now, even with the apache,php,mysql running and serving the web-based ERP that runs the entire institution (like in sci-fi movies, only that it won't turn against us humans anytime soon
), it only eats up less than 90Mb of RAM. That is so cool, that's like finishing a cycle and finding out that your bench has increased by 15-20 pounds.

Missed my workout though (that's rather obvious since I got home this late) I'll try to get to it tomorrow afternoon. I kinda hate missing today's workout, because I ate pizza and ice cream - it all seems like wasted of calories when I didn't even get to do so much as a set of bench press or pullups (or "chins", lest we get to that naming debate again!)

Ah, Fausto, I wonder how you manage to get time to work out when you're busy at work and busy at "life" since you are a family man. Work is already killing me, I don't even have a family to take care of yet!

happy birthday mate

sometimes you have to fit your workout into were you can,i have to go at 6am some mornings before work
Thanks, faz

I used to do that too, like a year ago.

Sadly, the months of abuse I put my body through (late late late nights, on call 24/7, blah blah blah IT crap...) has proved a little more than I can take right now.
Waking up early was never a problem for me, but now, lately, I'm hard-pressed to get my butt up at 6am, much less find the strength and willpower to 1.) Open a can of tuna, and 2.) lift weights.
hahaha, yeah, "spring-chicken", the way Fausto put it

Looks like I'm gaining one more year... it'll take time, but I'll eventually catch up to you O&G
Bryan was very supportive of the whole thing and readily offered everything that could possibly help me fix the board.
I believe that's why it took less time than I imagined it would.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i`ll send catwoman to get you !</div>

Now that is one cat I wouldn't mind catching!
It's been several days after my birthday, so it's kinda embarassing (or maybe I'm just a little too shy) when I see this thread pop up again in the top of the forum due to new replies.

Thanks to Fausto and the rest of the guys in this thread. But if you guys don't mind, i'll close this down now so it won't clutter the HST forum, it might inconvenience other users who are just digging around for useful knowledge.

Thanks again, guys. This thread really has little lifespan (a few days at most) and it's past its lifetime now, so I'll lock (close) this one down now.

Cheers to everyone!

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