heavier loads before workout loads


New Member
If heavier loads elicit more of the CNS and increase fiber activation, would it be helpful to use 1 or 2 sets in the 1-3 rep range before the actual set for a given exercise?

To explain myself better, in the week of 15s before doing a squat I would do:

1x10 warmup (50% workout weight)
1x3 CNS activation (90% of 1RM)
2 minute rest
1x15 (workout weight)

Is this valid and helpful for strength and hypertrophy gains? Would it get in the way of progressive overload?
The general logic you're describing, i.e. warming up submaximally to pretty high intensity weights (e.g. a single in the ~85-90% 1 RM range), is a very useful one in terms of performance.

However, I could see it interfering with HST logic to some degree by using it too early in the cycle, too.

I.e. warming up to your ~90% 1 RM is exposing your muscles to extremely high levels of tension, which would almost undoubtedly increase the rate at which you grow resistant to strain and decrease the effectiveness of your working weights for inducing growth pretty quickly.

If you wanted to do something like this, I would not do it any sooner than the 5's, and maybe the post 5's (if you go beyond 5's into negatives/etc).