Heel pain

Bob Evans

I get a pain in my heels in the moring when I first get out of bed. Almost can't walk for about 5 mins. I thought it was from running. But then I got it the day after doing heavy calf raises. I have strong and big calves 18 inchers
I think is is from streching them with a lot of weight. Kind of hyper extending them on purpose. I think It stretches my achillies tendon, and that ties into the heel. But I don't know. Any physiologists out there know these things?? It is not a huge problem but it is weird.

I had a similar about 6 years ago...I have no clue what caused it however I just stopped lifting for about 2 weeks then eased back into it and everything was fine.

Sorry I know thats not much help, but my point is it hopefully will go away.
There is a HUGE guy at my gym. I ask him questions -- he said it is a bone spur in my heel. He said his wife had the same thing.
(Bob Evans @ Jul. 24 2006,20:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There is a HUGE guy at my gym.  I ask him questions  -- he said it is a bone spur in my heel.  He said his wife had the same thing.</div>
Bob - What are the chances of having a bone spur on both heels at the same time? I would think that if both are hurting, that it is something you are doing during your calf raises.

Just a thought


I am not a physiologist, and I think Joe is close to the mark.

I have had a problem which somewhat surfaces every now and then, I think you may have plantar fascitis, and if so it is a real pain in the rear!

A podiatrist I went to, made me some inner soles for each foot which has a thicker inner surface under the foot arch and it suppports it. The fascia extend between the heel and the toes and at the heel join, they tend to start tearing, similar to what happens in tennis elbow, etc.

Here's an article I collected while I was suffering from the problem.

Last but not least, my physio said I must atke a can of coke, fill it with water and freeze it, then roll the inside of my foot on it for five minutes alternated with a bucket of hot water for another five minutes, haven't tried it yet but going to give it a bash pretty soon, nothing to loose
Bob, stretching helped me a lot, body weight calf stretches on a block and prone toe pulls but mostly it just took some time. Since I stopped wearing boots (Cowboy) I haven't had another bout of it. A lot of heel pain is what's called Plantar Fasciitis. Tenderness in the Plantar Fascia usually localizes on the inner side of heal.