

New Member
hello everyone. I would like to start of this thread with saying that I am really looking forward to the end of my first cycle of HST.
In the past I have always gone from full body routines day on day off to splits chest-back, arms shoulders, legs back etc....
but have always found i get best results from full body routines. i had heard of HST before but never took the time to see what it was all about until coming across this website and taking the time to do some research. So after doing all the research i have compiled a 8 week routine and am beginning today ( actually finished Mondays lifts already ) and i have to say...15's ! who would have thought. I haven't got a pump going like that in my arms in quite some time. I dont plan on logging my first cycle but definitely will with the second.
Looking forward to learning as much as i can about HST principles and the people that apply them.

Hey Canborn, welcome to the home of HST! It's always good to hear how different people get on with an HST cycle. Logging your workouts is a good way to let others see how things are working out in your case. There are many variations for cycles built on the HST principles and people here are at all different stages in their lifting 'careers' and come in all different ages and sizes!

Anyway, all the best for your cycle. If you have any questions, ask away. :)

PS. I'm going to move this thread to the HST Forum as I think more folks will see it there.