Hello all, and please some advice on skinny/fat syndrome

Adrian b

New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and just about to start my first cycle of HST. I've been reading up on it a lot and really believe in its program and loading the muscles 3 times a week instead of once a week like a lot of other program's. just needing some advice. My physique is well I weigh 145 pounds, male, and believe my body fat is about 21%, maybe 19% if I was gona be generous. I really want to lower my body fat down to atleast 13% before I start to go into a calorie surplus and bulk up ( just because all my fat is in my belly area and I hate the way I look). I realize that I will look even skinner when I do but just really hate having a wheat belly physique. So my question is I've researched and found the 2 workouts a day 6 days a week would be the best for my metabolism with weights at night and HIIT in the morning. Has anyone got a good HST program that they know that I can follow that will suit my needs. Sorry to ask but I've been doing so much research and hear so many different things that I'm really confused. Thanks for ur help and if u require any more info just ask. Thanks again
My advice would be to set up an Hst cycle. Work out all your maxes and then SD.
You wont be building a whole lot of skeletal muscle while in a deficit anyway. You need to get in a deficit most days, its as simple as that. Id start with three times per week full body. If you feel you want to work on cardio on some of the other days:fine. Just choose something you feel is fun.

To lose fat you need to be in a deficit. The easiest way is through caloriecontrol.

Continue until you feel lean enough then get yourself into a slight surplus and keep lifting.
Thanks for the quick reply. No worries ill give that a try. I thought I'd have to train twice a day to get fat loss results and fast as possible.
You dont. You can apparently only burn a certain amount of fat per day. Everything over that is glykogen.
Just concentrate on setting up your routine properly. Lift with good form and build up your strength slowly and steadily. You wont be building (much) muscle until you turn around and start eating for muscle gains.
Work out your BMR, add in extra calories depending on your level of activity etc then aim for ca500kcals under that. Dont worry if you dont manage it every single dat as its more important to look at fat loss/calorie deficiency over weeks or months even.
Not that i disagree with the above advice but it seems like your overall goal is to change your physique. Dieting down to a trim weight before you add muscle can be really disheartening if you suck at dieting. Rather than dieting down I started mildly bulking (200-400 cal above maintenance). Due to my noobness my lifts increased rather quickly and I put on a measure of my first year muscle (probably in the 10lbs region) within the first 4-6 months. Which was great, however compared to the last 2 months of dieting I have lost no weight (fortunately a few of my lifts have mildly increased and I look a little trimmer). If I had not had the initial boost in gaining some muscle, getting stronger and changing my physique a measure I would be super disappointed with my dieting results. From my beginings at 30% body fat I am now in the higher teens but my strength and lean muscle mass increased considerably. From a physique perspective I look much less dumpy and much more solid. However based on my dieting ability if I had tried to cut my weight first I likely would have failed and over time given up. So long story short, I found my battle against being skinny fat to be a little more successful so far by putting on some muscle first. PS I am in no way implying that some people can't diet or I have big bones or some random disease that inhibits me from losing weight, I just love eating food.
Adpowah: good advice. However if you look at it the orher way: newbie gains can equal increased muscle AND decreased fat. I havent ever been of the position of skinnt/fat so I cant speak from experience. If I try and put myself in Adrians position, Id rather cut down first.
Both routes and feasible.
Hey everyone. Wow. Confused again lol. I'd love to bulk cause of my skinny arms and legs but I'm so worried a out my belly fat and don't want it to get bigger. And I'm 175cm tall which is around 5.7" I believe? I will try and add a pic so it's easier for u guys to gauge and offer advice that's very much needed. Thanks a lot everyone
Since you are neither as muscular nor as trim as you want to be you will need to pick one, accomplish it and then focus on the other in a methodical cycle until you have achieved your desired results. Since your body will not change over night pick the one that is most important to start with so that you don't give up. If your arms are small now, they will be smaller when you cut. If your belly is big now, it will be bigger when you bulk. Pick the least personally offensive and get to work.
Have you read the ebook I wrote yet?

I would first spend a few months lifting with a maintenance diet just to get yourself into decent shape, maybe do some cardio alongside it. Just by nature of being an out of shape noob, you'll trim up a little bit and gain a tad of muscle, and you'll gain quite a lot of strength in the process. I would like to see you do at least one six week cycle of this. After that, decide whether you want to cut or bulk.
Lift weights and eat healthy, eat a lot. You've got a lot of muscle to grow, so eat a lot of protein and LIFT.
I'm having a lot of trouble posting a photo ATM. May have a bad connection, so ill wait a couple days till I get home so you guys can see for yourself. My fastest part around my belly is 93cm. And yep I have read the HST ebook if that's what your referring to. I'm actually up to the 10's and when I get to the 5's I'm thinking about staying in it for a few weeks to gain/keep strength. Thanks everyone for advice can't wait to post my pic so you guys can see for yourself
A 36.5" waist at 5'9" is not out of the ball park. I think what you should do is eat and exercise your way out of your disproportionate body. Stick to basic compound movements and throw in a few arm isolations and follow HST principles and fix your diet. Do not waste time on all sorts of ab exercises. Work your lats hard with chin ups (preferably neutral grip) using assistance if necessary. Good lats will make your stomach width seem to shrink. 45 minutes per day of total quality lifting 3 to 4 times per week. Good form is critical to avoid injury.

Concentrate on quality protein (not that powdery shake mix), get plenty of healthy fats and try and stick to complex carbs. Forget the unhealthy fats and simple sugary type carbs. Eat a small amount of surplus and re-evaluate your stats in 3 months or so. Also, a lot of "skinny fat" people seem to suffer from low testosterone levels which causes that stomach bloated look. Get yours checked at your next physical. Forget about the so called testosterone booster supplements. They are worthless. If your T is below acceptable, your Doc can help you out. The only supplements worthwhile, in my opinion, are a quality EPA/DHA supplement like krill oil, a multivitamin and creatine monohydrate.

Good luck.

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Thanks for all the replies/advice. And I've made more choice and I'm committing to a CLEAN bulk. Least ill have something to show when I do cut not just bones. Only thing that was worrying me about this approach is that I hear when over 15% body fat a male has harder time building muscle as the testosterone the body makes is more so converted to estrogen. And that when over 15% u also store more of your carbs in fat cells instead of muscle (so I'm gona keep my carbs for only post workout and fats & protein all other times). See how I go with the clean bulk guys keep youse up to date. Thanks everyone
Thanks for all the replies/advice. And I've made more choice and I'm committing to a CLEAN bulk. Least ill have something to show when I do cut not just bones. Only thing that was worrying me about this approach is that I hear when over 15% body fat a male has harder time building muscle as the testosterone the body makes is more so converted to estrogen. And that when over 15% u also store more of your carbs in fat cells instead of muscle (so I'm gona keep my carbs for only post workout and fats & protein all other times). See how I go with the clean bulk guys keep youse up to date. Thanks everyone
I have also read something along the lines of this. Can anyone shed any light? Is it a myth?
T is a hormone that reduces fat storage around the middle in men. It may actually increase belly fat in women when too high. Increasing T levels to the high level of normal has almost no unmanageable side effects in men.

The 15% myth seems to have come about by an "article" published by T Nation that said you should not go above 15% BF and when you reach it you should diet down to 10%. It also threw T into the equation and many people started associating high T with high BF. It is absolute BS. The only time that will happen is if you go over board on a diet that produces too much insulin. Keep your starches low and stick with a reasonable level of complex carbs and higher T will decrease fat levels, even without exercise.

That e magazine and its editors are only interested in selling you supplements. The authors are mere shills for the patent company, Biotest.

BTW, I prefer to use the letter T rather than the word Testosterone since that will send you off to a bogus supplement if you click on the word.
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