Hello to all!


New Member
Hello, everyone!

I come here at the recommendation of Quadancer. He's been my bud for several years now, where I have kept a journal at the musclenow website (along with Steve Jones, once upon a time). Funny thing is, there are only three or four of us who post regularly over there, and none of us are doing muscle now anymore

If I've done things correctly here in the setup, my sig should indicate my current stats.

I have used HST in the past, and it did provide excellent results. Trouble is, when I bulk, I get fat. At 37 years old, my bulking days are over. I spent 3 months last spring getting ripped, and have never looked back. Now, my training is all about strength.

If I put on 1 pound of muscle per year for the next 10 years, that's fine by me!

Never again do I want to suffer from double-digit bodyfat numbers (well, maybe 10% is okay in the offseason..) I like having abs year-round, I like lifting heavy, and lately, I like HIIT as opposed to regular cardio.

I joined this forum mainly at the urging of quadancer, mostly because he's always talking about how knowledgeable the members are, and how intelligent the discussions are. I'll be the first to admit that I probably don't know as much as I think I do, and I look forward to reading what y'all have to say on various topics.

Welcome, Slaps!
Guys, don't let this guy fool ya...you don't get numbers like that without knowing a lot about what you're doing with a weight in your hand and a steak on the grill!

Look at his BW/Lift numbers. Sheesh!
Wow, thats some amazig stats. And you seem to suffer from vanity :-p, 2-digit bf% is not acceptable

Welcome Slapshotz!

Hehe, well myabe you could explain why you like HIIT so much, I just started it (today) to try it out for the purpose on going towards and below 10% bf.
Why do you like it more than regular cardio?
Welcome Slapz! Any friend of Quads is going to be welcome here. There are plenty of us old timers around.

There are tons of great folks here so I am sure you will get useful answers to any questions you have.

You have some good lifts there, particularly at a bodyweight of only 167. My top lifts are similar to yours but I'm currently around 196 at 5'10". I'm hoping to get 440 in my deads soon but I can already squat 358. Don't think I would get 295 in bench but a shoulder issue has prevented me from benching for over 6 months now. I do weighted dips instead (currently 5 reps with 60kg added).

Are you going to be training using HST, SST or perhaps 5x5? Be interested to know what you have you being doing to date, training wise?
(quadancer @ Mar. 17 2007,14:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Welcome, Slaps!
Guys, don't let this guy fool ya...you don't get numbers like that without knowing a lot about what you're doing with a weight in your hand and a steak on the grill!

Look at his BW/Lift numbers. Sheesh!</div>

Tks, Q!  Of course, a lot of what I've decided to do over the past couple years has been through one-on-one discussions with you, so, of course, I thank you for that

Carl, thanks for the welcome!
(Sniggel @ Mar. 17 2007,15:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wow, thats some amazig stats. And you seem to suffer from vanity :-p, 2-digit bf% is not acceptable  

Welcome Slapshotz!

Hehe, well myabe you could explain why you like HIIT so much, I just started it (today) to try it out for the purpose on going towards and below 10% bf.
Why do you like it more than regular cardio?</div>
lol...tks, Sniggel.

As a 15-18%er for most of my adult life, I guess I do take pride in being a member of the single digit club, especially since I'm not a naturally lean person. So, I can really relate to those who struggle during their cuts, because I know how hard it is. It's not fun, that's for sure.

As far as HIIT, this is my first go with it, and I've actually only done one wind sprint workout so far (and I'll be dammed if I'm still not sore four days later!).

I certainly have no definitive proof that static cardio is worse or better than HIIT cardio, but much of the anecdotal evidence seems to point to the fact that HIIT may be more beneficial for retaining muscle mass while cutting. My favorite analogy, of course, is the sprinter's versus the marathoner's body.

I plan on giving it a good three month's test. Glad to see you doing it, too...I'm sure we'll be comparing notes.
(Lol @ Mar. 17 2007,15:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Welcome Slapz! Any friend of Quads is going to be welcome here. There are plenty of us old timers around.  

There are tons of great folks here so I am sure you will get useful answers to any questions you have.

You have some good lifts there, particularly at a bodyweight of only 167. My top lifts are similar to yours but I'm currently around 196 at 5'10&quot;. I'm hoping to get 440 in my deads soon but I can already squat 358. Don't think I would get 295 in bench but a shoulder issue has prevented me from benching for over 6 months now. I do weighted dips instead (currently 5 reps with 60kg added).

Are you going to be training using HST, SST or perhaps 5x5? Be interested to know what you have you being doing to date, training wise?</div>
Thanks, lol...really good to be here. I gave up on bb.com months ago, and Q-dood has been urging me to join up here for quite awhile. I'm glad I finally got my butt in gear and just did it. It's nice to see us old folk alive &amp; kicking in the iron game!

Sorry 2 hear about your shoulder problems. Every lifter I know has had them at some point, and they ain't fun. I recently had an issue myself, and Quad sent me a .pdf called the 10-minute rotator cuff solution. It's a lot of dumbbell work with really light weights (10-pounders, mostly) but the exercises do a great job of strengthening up the rotators. I'm sure he'll send it 2 you if he still has it.

Forgive my math, but 60kg is how many pounds? D'oh! I actually love dips; they're one of my favorite movements. You probably aren't missing much from your chest workout if you do weighted dips.

As far as my training method, I really don't have one, per se. I have key lifts that I try to do every 10 days to 14 days, and then work in the other lifts around them. My key lifts are deads, bench, squats, split jerks (clean n jerks coming soon), and shrugs. I never do the big movements twice in a row. For example, if I do deadlifts one week, the next week I'll do weighted pullups, then go back to deads.

As I've gotten older, I don't have as much time to devote to the gym as I used to, so in order for me to make the most out of my gym time I need to be totally fresh for my workouts. That means crazy, intense work, but less frequent.

I've become pretty instinctive with my training. For example, I'll go to the gym knowing I have to do deads, let's say, but then everything after that will be on the fly. Maybe I'll do good mornings, maybe I'll do back extensions, or maybe I'll do dumbbell rows. I've never been very good with regimented programs, with the exception of HST, because it's so well designed and doesn't crush the CNS.
(Slapshotz @ Mar. 17 2007,19:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I plan on giving it a good three month's test.  Glad to see you doing it, too...I'm sure we'll be comparing notes.
I hope so too
Regardless of your weight, thoss numbers are great. I welcome you to the HST forum here, and I'm sure you be a good advisor when it comes to SST and diet.
(colby2152 @ Mar. 18 2007,18:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Regardless of your weight, thoss numbers are great.  I welcome you to the HST forum here, and I'm sure you be a good advisor when it comes to SST and diet.</div>
Thank you, Colby...I'll sure try to be!

I'm basically low-carbing it, too, and plan on sharing that story as well in the diet section. It'll be a long post, but I'm living proof that you don't need huge carb intakes to get silly strong. Right now, I only eat 50 to 100g per day of net carbs, the rest is healthy fats &amp; protein.

Details to follow....
Welcome dude!

A little late as we've already crossed our paths somewhere else but nevertheless,any friend of Quad ismost welcome here!
(Slapshotz @ Mar. 17 2007,18:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">  It's nice to see us old folk alive &amp; kicking in the iron game!</div>
Shoot boy, I have a son older than you. Been lifting for 50 years and still don't know diddle poop.

Welcome to HST. I am starting my 38th HST cycle tomorrow after a 2 week SD in Antigua. There are so many ways to approach HST that no two of my cycles have ever been the same.

Just get the basic principles down and the rest will flow easily. Good luck!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Shoot boy, I have a son older than you. Been lifting for 50 years and still don't know diddle poop.

Welcome to HST. I am starting my 38th HST cycle tomorrow after a 2 week SD in Antigua. There are so many ways to approach HST that no two of my cycles have ever been the same.</div>

HAHA, yeah right O&amp;G, you know what it takes to grow. That's an awesome SD by the way.
Runjor, Fausto, Old &amp; Gray, tks for the welcome. Q-dood had nothing but good things to say about all u peeps.

Wow, Gray, 38 straight cycles? That must be a record around these parts!

I guess I'm not that old at 37, then, which is kind of reassuring
Quad, that's Ted the egocentric newscaster from the Mary Tyler Moore show many years ago.

I will post pictures when my partners and I complete the sale of our company. I don't want to do it beforehand and risk having some employee coming across it and posting it with some cartoonish comments throughout the factories.

I lost a bit of weight on my SD. I am now down to 179 at 5'8&quot;. I should gain it back this cycle. My normal is 185 at 9% bf, chest 47&quot;, arms 16.5+, waist 32 and legs 25&quot;. My upper body is much better than my lower. Having had 3 broken right ankles and two knee surgeries and 1 back surgery over the years has stunted my quads and calves a bit. I think if I could get my quads to 27&quot;, I would be more balanced and probably hit about 200 pounds with the same bf % but that just ain't gonna happen without resorting to some illegal enhancements. The downside to getting caught doing something illegal goes up exponentially as you get older as you have much more to lose.
As usual: comments right on spot. Good to see you back on the boards...you've been quiet lately.
I thought that was ol' Ted!