Help a newb witha few questions


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site here and have a few questions about the training. I have done a lot of searches, read a lot already, and gone through most of the FAQ. I think that I have a good understanding of HST so far.

So onto the questions:
First, a cycle is a 6-week period of 2 weeks of 15, 10, and 5 reps then one week off correct?

And after my first cycle all I am supposed to do is up all the weight 5-10 lbs. Even though I will most likely be much stronger at the end of my first cycle than I was when I did my week of maxes? If that is the case why not re-figure out my new maxes after each cycle? Is it the whole not working to failure all the time concept?

As far as an ectomorph is concerned (because that is what I am) what about the theory that an ecto should keep reps and volume low to gain because of metabolism? Wouldn't the 15 and 10 rep cycle hurt an ecto in that regard? Also I have always heard that higher reps are needed for leg growth, i.e. nothing lower than 10 reps so wouldn't legs be hurting during the 5 rep weeks. Or does the HST theory apply across the board for all muscles?

I have already started my max week figuring out my 15 and 10 rep max. Today I find out what my 5 maxes are. Here is a breakdown of the exercises I will be using, please by all means critique away.

I will only be working out in the afternoons m/w/f, sorry no room for am/pm style.
1 set for 15's, 2 sets for 10's and 2/3 sets for 5's (depending on how long it takes)

Barbell Bentover row
Dumbell incline bench (no spotters and I hate depending on workout partners)
Dumbell overhead press
Pullups close grip (as apposed to wide grip per the recommendations I have found on this site)
Machine leg curls
Machine flyes
Dumbell rear delts
Dumbell overhead tricep extension
Dumbell bicep curls
Standing calf raises, using smith machine

I will be alternating squats and deadlifts on the 5 rep weeks.

I know this is really long with lots of questions, just want to make sure I understand everything clearly so I can get off to the right start.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Brian,

I also just have been in this forum for a little while but learned quite a lot, I have to say.

I found out that for starters, the below thread is extremely useful (unless you have already read it).

And if you have any doubts about HST, you should check the pinned thread "Pictures everyone?" Currently I believe it is still at the very top. They are very inspiring to me

As Im not at all experienced so I dont want to give any wrong advices but according to what I have read here, these are what I would say:

After 6 weeks of 3 rep ranges (15,10,5) you can either keep adding weights and do only negatives or keep doing your 5RM and try to add weight once a week instead.

Yes, you can retest your new max at the end of the cycle before you SD.

With my understanding, progressively load is one of the most important factors for growth. So, as soon as you keep adding weights, you will grow. Reps are to make sure you cover enough volume to maximize the growth.

If you can trigger all muscle fibers when you lift then they will visually "expand"
. I remember reading that from about 80% of your 1RM and on, you will trigger all of them at the very first rep. So, dont worry about different reps range for different muslces and metabolism types.

And welcome to HST!
Thanks for the help. Yea I have been in and out of both of those threads which is the reason I am going through with HST. And I didn't feel that the thread Fausto started addressed my specific questions I asked here, but maybe I missed something.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">First, a cycle is a 6-week period of 2 weeks of 15, 10, and 5 reps then one week off correct?</div>

yes and no, technically speaking there are another 2 weeks for negatives (eccentric only training) or you can extend the 5's for the same period, then SD.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And after my first cycle all I am supposed to do is up all the weight 5-10 lbs.</div> are supposed to work out new maxes, but you can choose this &quot;lazy&quot; option at the cost of some gains, I'd say!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Even though I will most likely be much stronger at the end of my first cycle than I was when I did my week of maxes?If that is the case why not re-figure out my new maxes after each cycle?</div>

Exactly why you should work out new maxes. So if you're only doing 6 weeks, how about using the next two weeks to get yourself some new personal lifting records?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is it the whole not working to failure all the time concept?</div>

No...the failure concept woirks like this:

generally speaking during a two week minicycle (rep scheme) you don't work to failure as you are building up to that rep max, on the last day however you can and should go to failure.

However...failure in HST is not absolute muscle failure but rather:

1 - Slowing down of a rep way above the norm
2 - Loss of form whilst trying to complete the rep

If the above takes place, then we consider that failure and stop there!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As far as an ectomorph is concerned (because that is what I am) what about the theory that an ecto should keep reps and volume low to gain because of metabolism?</div>

If you're an ectomorph, you need to eat above your BMR by 500 - 1000 calories p/day in order to start gaining.

HST if you've read already has all three rep schemes built into it for various reasons:

15's - flush muscles and tendons with lactic acid in preparation for later heavier loads, some people after a successfull SD score some growth during this phase even though it is not there for that reason. Let's call it a benefic side effect

10's - many start growing well during thids phase, specially newer members, this is an intermediate phase as the load progresses. Many would call it an hypertrophic phase but I'd rather say intermediate as we're all different.

5's - A strength phase, a safety margin for heavy loads and definitely one that will produce some growth, this phase is &quot;milked&quot; by the vets and experts and even some newbs as it produces good gains.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wouldn't the 15 and 10 rep cycle hurt an ecto in that regard?</div>

No, read above.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also I have always heard that higher reps are needed for leg growth, i.e. nothing lower than 10 reps so wouldn't legs be hurting during the 5 rep weeks. Or does the HST theory apply across the board for all muscles?</div>

Some people get better leg growth from higher reps, but HST is about progressive load and not around reps per se, the higher the load the better the growth, obviously a high load has to have a safety margin, thus the 5's (4 - 6 range is considered safe, any higher can subject you to injury or CNS damage).

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Machine leg curls &amp; Machine flyes</div>

These two are pretty much a waste at this point in time. Please introduce squats and deadlifts from the beggining, it'll pay off!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I know this is really long with lots of questions, just want to make sure I understand everything clearly so I can get off to the right start.</div>

Finally...I though it'd never end
good lot of questions though! Hope you got the help you needed!

Thank you very much Fausto!  That is exactly what I was looking for, an answer to each and every question.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">These two are pretty much a waste at this point in time. Please introduce squats and deadlifts from the beggining, it'll pay off!

I am starting off with squats.  Its the first exercise that I do.  And I will alternate squats and deads on the 5 rep weeks.

So are you saying to get rid of machine flyes and machine leg curls all together or are there better exercises out there?

Thanks again,
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thank you very much Fausto! That is exactly what I was looking for, an answer to each and every question.</div>

You're welcome!
That is what we're here for!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am starting off with squats. Its the first exercise that I do. And I will alternate squats and deads on the 5 rep weeks.</div>

Ok...misunderstood your statement it si somewhat ambiguous, almost like you will only start it then, I careful of doing them together, for most it gets too much for the lower back, I like to keep those alternated all the way! Anyway your pick.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So are you saying to get rid of machine flyes and machine leg curls all together or are there better exercises out there?</div>


Leg curls can easily be substituted, the ATG squats engage hams big time and so do deadlifts so that takes care of those, unless they are seriously underdeveloped and I doubt that!

On the other hand, either good mornings or Straight leg deadlifts are good for hams, better in fact than the leg curls. Due to stretch under load, make sense?

Machine flyes? Well, if you want to use them, then do a superset straight after your bench (1 set only - post exhaust technique)

Think of it this way. The very best way to build your body is with a barbell, squat rack, a bench and dumbells. Cables come in as a second options. Machines are down at the end.
Simple and proven.
Got it, thanks for the help and the replies gentlemen. It is greatly appreciated.

Should I maybe do dips instead of the flyes or would I be attacking my triceps and chest too much with dips included with incline bench and overhead tricep extension?

Again, sorry for all the questions.


Dips and bench is an excelent mix (alternated) even supersetted albeit a little on the heavy side.

After reading the posts between you and Fausto, I'm still confused as to whether or not you are doing deadlifts the entire cycle or not starting them until the 5's. If you are doing them the entire cycle, then that's a good idea to start alternating in the 5's. If it's the latter, I would highly recommend against that.

Coming from another fellow ectomorph, 15's and 10's are good rep ranges as Fausto explained above. I actually gained a few pounds in this cycle during the 10's, and the 15's were great for developing my form in many &quot;extra form-important&quot; lifts like deads and squats. Currently in the 5's, and noticing my muscles are getting a lot harder. So don't worry about those rep ranges, just let them happen.

As for your leg exercises and sub-10 reps... I've gotten a LOT of growth in my legs during this cycle... so again, just worry about progressive load.

And finally, alternating bench and dips has been very effective for me this cycle. Chest is my weak point, and I've really seen a lot of growth in my pecs. I actually put my bench at 15 degrees to get a little more of my upper chest involved as well.

Hope this helps, and welcome.
I was only going to start deads by alternating them squats during the 5 reps week. I thought I remember reading somewhere that was the better way to go. But I am getting the feeling that I should be doing deads the whole time now.

As far as alternating, how do you figure out how much weight to add? Because the conventional way assumes for six workouts and adding 5-10lbs each workout. And if you are alternating you will finish with a different exercise than you started with. And only doing it three times as aopposed to six. Sorry the alternating method really confuses me on how to figure out maxes and how much weight to start and finish with.

Non-alternating deadlifts: Mon. 250, Wed. 260, Fri. 270, Mon. 280, Wed. 290, Fri. 300.

Alternating deadlifts: Wed. 260, Mon. 280, Fri. 300.

I think that's correct.
Is that what you're looking for?
(MyNameHere @ Jun. 15 2007,00:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Non-alternating deadlifts:  Mon. 250, Wed. 260, Fri. 270, Mon. 280, Wed. 290, Fri. 300.

Alternating deadlifts:  Wed. 260, Mon. 280, Fri. 300.

I think that's correct.  
 Is that what you're looking for?</div>
Yea I figured it out. Thanks.

Basically just adding weight three times as opposed to six. Got it.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Basically just adding weight three times as opposed to six. Got it.</div>

Yah, that's HST...really simple...all you need do is keep the principles going, if you alternate...well...then you'll do three workout of that exercise instead of six, with deads then as spaced out as that add 10% each time instead of 5%.