Help and Advice Please

Brian Griffin

New Member
Hi all
I posted a thread a few weeks ago asking about HST as a result I am on my 2nd week of 15's (which are much harder than they look on paper). My routine is the compounds with calf raises and either curls or push-downs.

Now I'm confused on 2 fronts, I was doing Bill Starrs 5x5 for a few months where it says you can eat pretty much anything as long as it's got protein in (KFC, Pizza's etc) I dont really do this as I don't want to gain bodyfat, if I eat my required calorie requirements for a day but only get fats from Nuts, Peanut Butter and fish will I still gain size?

Secondly how do you fit Cardio into HST at the moment ive been doing 40 mins twice a week of light cardio making sure my heartrate stays around 135-140 do I need to do more to drop some of my bodyfat.

Also as an aside i suffer from pains in my knees (football injury, and the result of a T.V falling on me May 99 ECF)
Is there anyway I can drop squats from my routine for a cycle without affecting my gains.

Apologies for the long post but after 8 months of loading the bar till im nearly sick im struggling to adjust to this way of training.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
if I eat my required calorie requirements for a day but only get fats from Nuts, Peanut Butter and fish will I still gain size?</div>

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Secondly how do you fit Cardio into HST at the moment ive been doing 40 mins twice a week of light cardio making sure my heartrate stays around 135-140 do I need to do more to drop some of my bodyfat.</div>
You need to decide if you are going to try and add LBM or drop BF.  Choose one and work hard at it and forget about the other one for now. It sounds like you want to do both at the same time which is next to impossible unless you are really fat or just starting out.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also as an aside i suffer from pains in my knees (football injury, and the result of a T.V falling on me May 99 ECF)
Is there anyway I can drop squats from my routine for a cycle without affecting my gains.</div>
I think we need more info on the injury to give any advice.
Im pretty lean already just dont really want to gain any noticeable body fat.

The knee injury is a weird one my knees make a clicking sound when I bend down and have my entire life, but sometimes i get a very brief sort of stabbing pain behind the kneecap when squatting down.
If you want to add muscle it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that you will gain some fat along the way. It might be possible to make lean tissue gains with very little obvious fat gain but trying to manage calories that accurately will most likely be an exercise in frustration. Gaining about a 1/2 to 1lb a week would be a good goal for a bulking cycle. It's always going to be better to focus on gaining lean mass or on cutting fat rather than trying to do both at the same time. You can always cut some of the fat off after you have made your lean gains.
(Brian Griffin @ May 22 2008,1:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if I eat my required calorie requirements for a day but only get fats from Nuts, Peanut Butter and fish will I still gain size?</div>
You need to pay attention mainly to protein and total calories:

1) Set your total calories equal to 16 -- 18 times your bodyweight (in pounds).

2) Set your protein equal 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight.

Then you can adjust your fats and carbs however you like, and you'll grow just fine.