Help Calculating Maintenance Calories


New Member
Ok, this is an issue I have always had when using some of these calculators to calculate my maintenance calories. The difference between what they would call "lightly active" and "moderately active" is significant (400cals). So if someone could tell me what they would consider me I would appreciate it. Here is why I am not sure:

I lift for about an hour, 3 times per week.
I am doing slow cardio (walking at incline) for 45 mins, 3x/wk

However; my daily activity level i would consider very low compared to others. I work at home, so my "non workout" time is very sendentary compared to the norm. I don't have as much daily walking around/movement as others might have at their job or in their normal day.

Ok, so what do you think... Sedentary, Lightly active, Moderately active, Very active, Extremely active?
Probably moderately active because you DO workout. And don't forget, using your brain intensely can burn more calories than some physical activities.

The easy test is that maintenance is the amount of calories you need to eat that keeps you at the same weight over a period of time doing a consistent level of activity.
You have to just estimate, and get a number to work with, then chart your weight like O&G says to know for sure. Most likely, you will find a range, like 2500 calories +/- 100 calories maintain weight, etc.
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 23 2006,13:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The easy test is that maintenance is the amount of calories you need to eat that keeps you at the same weight over a period of time doing a consistent level of activity.</div>
i think this is the best way to tell.
many use complex equations and others just do bw X13 but either way will just put you &quot;in the ballpark&quot; for what works for you.

at the end of your next cycle just try and eat for 2-3 weeks at what you think is your maint. and weigh yourself (same time) each day. i wouldnt worry about 1-2lb daily up and down (every day is different) but after a week or 2 youll know if you were right. usually a small cal adjust from there and now you know what your maint. cals % is so it doesnt matter what your wgt is.

good luck
yeah, I was kinda gonna use the equation as a baseline. I get what you guys are saying, I just wanted to get some opinions on what you would consider my activity level, because the difference (according to the formulas) between &quot;lightly&quot; active and &quot;moderately&quot; active is the difference between 2400cals and 2800cals.

But I guess just like O&amp;G says, &quot;moderately&quot; active is probably a safe bet. thats what i was guessing..... and I really i cant go wrong eating 2200-2300 cals.

thanks for the help fellas.
How much do you weigh?
I think I am just as active as you, training at gym, taking a bike when i go someplace but otherwise sitting still in front of a computer. I am fairly sure my maintenance calories are at 2900 / day (a 2 month self &quot;study&quot; :-P) and I weigh 83 kg. I would feel hungry on 2200 per day
Agree with the others the only way to get it right is through trial and error / experience.

Pick a &quot;ballpark&quot; calorie count, setup your diet, and then monitor your weight loss/gain, and body fat % once a week, and eat more or less accordingly.

You trying to bulk or cut at the moment?
Sniggel - Well bro, that is 182.9lbs, which is pretty much exactly what I am. And, as you said, sounds like our activity level is close. And, the calculators i have used pretty much always say 2800-2900cal for &quot;moderate&quot; active. So, thanks alot, you saved me alot of figuring. I will shoot for 2400cals during my cut which should put me in a 500cal deficit.

Thanks again,
(Taank @ Oct. 23 2006,23:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sniggel - Well bro, that is 182.9lbs, which is pretty much exactly what I am.  And, as you said, sounds like our activity level is close.  And, the calculators i have used pretty much always say 2800-2900cal  for &quot;moderate&quot; active. So, thanks alot,  you saved me alot of figuring.  I will shoot for 2400cals during my cut which should put me in a 500cal deficit.

Thanks again,
No problem, just remember that we are individuals and the number might not be totally correct

If nothing happens during a cut at 2400 kcal you know what to do - adjust, down
just sleeping and sitting around at 182lbs x 12 =2184cals then you must take into consideration activitys.
I have weighed myself the same day, same time, exactly the same for 3 weeks now. And it looks like this:

177 (maybe)

Now, this is doing cardio (moderate) 3x per week, and eating only 2000-2200 cals. In the past, I have always dropped weight incredibly easy...hopefully I didnt screw up my metabolism
This time weight loss is moving at a snail's pace.

Would you guys reccomend I bump up the cardio or drop the calories? I really thought a 2000 cal diet was too low considering maintenance &quot;should&quot; be around 2700. But this past week I ate 2000 cals/day, ran 3 times, and only lost half a pound, if that. I would like to move a bit faster than that!

- Taank
Are you a fidgeter? I read somewhere that a person can burn 600 calories a day just tapping pencils, shuffling feet, wiggling in the chair and such.

Now you know how to get rid of that Big Mac you ate! HA!
If you have the time, do HIIT, like sprinting intervals or stair-running. That should help boost your metabolism a little. You can cut calories a little more if you want, but nothing beats calories expenditure....MORE RUNNING, etc.
I just woke up this morning and did 20 minutes of sprinting intervals around my neighborhood before breakfast.....
somehow i managed not to throw up..... but it was close.

I could strangle you!
(Taank @ Nov. 19 2006,14:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just woke up this morning and did 20 minutes of sprinting intervals around my neighborhood before breakfast.....
somehow i managed not to throw up..... but it was close.

I could strangle you!
not a good idea,in the AM fasted you should only do ss-cardio not more than 135bpm,once you go over that you are in the carb burning zone and as it is before breakfast you have no carbs,so you will use muscle not

if you are going to do HIIT in the AM at least take a protein shake.
First I want to say I am not an experienced cutter. But I have tried 2 times to cut and failed. And I know why I failed the second time.
I just did too much intense cardio burning up carbohydrates so when I lifted weights I had no energy and after a while I just hit the wall (just one week). It took me about 3 weeks to regain my former strength in squatting so the next time I cut I will do moderate or low cardio. It doesnt burn a lot more (maybe 10-20%) to do it at high intensity so you could just as well take it easy and save the carbs for the weightlifting. Thats my opinion.
a couple things come to mind.

1. starting a bulk or cut always takes time to get things moving in the right direction, especially if you didnt have a 2-3 week maint. eating period.

2. it looks like youve lost 2lbs in 3 weeks. thats not really that far off of 1lb a week (which most shoot for) and pretty good for your 1st 3 weeks.

3. im not a big fan of using actual # to base my diet on, i prefer a %. by this i mean....
you say your maint is 2700 cals and your cutting real slow on 2200. as you lose wgt your maint. # as well as ideal cutting cals will slowly drop so saying 2700 is maint is actually only true for as long as your at that specific wgt (or there abouts). i prefer using something like bw x 13-15 is maint and bw x 11-12 to cut and 16-18 to bulk and the cal requirements move along with your present bw.

now having said all that, your wgt hasnt moved that much yet and i agree 2000 is pretty low for your bw w/cardio. personally id give it at least 1 more week at your present level before dropping cals or adding cardio. just try and be patient, these diet plans can take a while to unfold. as long as your not training for a show the main thing is to get where you want to go not get there as quick as possible.

good luck