Help combining HST + Sprint training


Hi guys,

My intention is to combine HST with sprint training. During my last cycle I tried sprint training and enjoyed it so I’d like to keep it on my schedule. However, the way I set it up, it was just too taxing for my legs. On my first week of 5s , during my second sprint workout session, I suffered a tendinitis for stress. I didn’t notice anything strange, but I just couldn’t walk next day. This has keep me out of bay for 5 weeks (although 2 of them were planned holidays :D), and it messed up my HST cycle.

This is what I did:
[TABLE="width: 300"]
[TD] Full body HST workout[/TD]
[TD]Sprint training[/TD]

My HST routine was (1 set of 15s, 1.5 (myo reps) of 10s and 3 sets of 5s):
Inclined bench press
Seated cable row
Seated Shoulder Press
Seated Calf Raise

The sprint training was:
10x 40-50m sprints with 90 secs between sprints

This was obviously too much for my legs: 3 squat sessions + 2 sprint sessions per week is too much, so I paid the price. My age didn't help either (36 last July).

For my next cycle, starting next week, this is what I’m planning:

Upper workout:
Inclined bench press
Seated cable row
Seated Shoulder Press

Lower workout:
Seated Calf Raise

Sprint workout:
10x 40-50m sprints with 90 secs between sprints

And the schedule would be:
[TABLE="width: 200"]
[TD]Upper + lower[/TD]
[TD]Sprint workout[/TD]
[TD]Sprint workout[/TD]

What do you think guys? Any advise will be highly appreciate it.
So... like, what exactly is your goal? Gain mass, lose fat, what?

If you are looking to gain muscle, I wouldn't do sprint training. It's a waste of calories. If you are looking to lean out, then you definitely would want to drop volume on legs to twice a week... but I wouldn't move to working out every day except Sunday. I would instead go to:
Monday: Full body
Tuesday: Sprint
Weds: Upper only
Thurs: Sprint
Friday: Full body

Alternatively, keep squats each workout but only do one set. I would prefer this first, but if it is too much then twice a week hitting full body is fine. And if hitting legs that much ends up too much then I would drop to doing legs only on Fridays so you have the long three days from Sat through Monday for legs to recover.

This is assuming you aren't trying to bulk. If you are trying to bulk while doing sprints then I think you are crazy.
So... like, what exactly is your goal? Gain mass, lose fat, what?
I'd say lose fat, but it's more a psychological thing. I feel I should do some kind of cardio but I hate steady low intensity cardio, it’s too boring. Sprints are somehow similar to weight training (short bursts with high effort) and I quite enjoy them.

If you are looking to gain muscle, I wouldn't do sprint training. It's a waste of calories
And how is that sprinters are usually so well built? They pack a lot of muscle. Not like a bodybuilder, off course, but I’m sure we can agree that pros get there not only with over-average genetics. Drugs sure help. :rolleyes:

but I wouldn't move to working out every day except Sunday. I would instead go to:
Monday: Full body
Tuesday: Sprint
Weds: Upper only
Thurs: Sprint
Friday: Full body
I’ll try this. Squats each workout is too much. I was actually thinking of dropping squats to twice per week before doing sprints, specially during 5s.

If you are trying to bulk while doing sprints then I think you are crazy.
Not the first to think that. :cool:

I’ll keep you posted.
This is my first week after 5weeks out of the gym. Since I'd like to lose some fat, I started straight on the 10s. First workout was Monday, full body routine. Yesterday I skipped the sprints and had a rest day. After a long break my legs are taking some time to adapt. Besides I want to be careful with my ankle. My tendinitis has gone away but I still feel a bit "tight".

Today I plan Upper body.
I'd say lose fat, but it's more a psychological thing. I feel I should do some kind of cardio but I hate steady low intensity cardio, it’s too boring. Sprints are somehow similar to weight training (short bursts with high effort) and I quite enjoy them.

Well if you are trying to lose fat, then sprints are great. Just don't expect to put on muscle in a calorie deficit, even if that deficit is only created through cardio.

And how is that sprinters are usually so well built? They pack a lot of muscle. Not like a bodybuilder, off course, but I’m sure we can agree that pros get there not only with over-average genetics. Drugs sure help. :rolleyes:

Same as with bodybuilders. Genetics and drugs.

How many sprinters do you know that are well built? I know a few sprinters and they look like regular people. The only well built sprinters I've seen are in the olympics... which brings you right back to genetics and drugs.

I’ll try this. Squats each workout is too much. I was actually thinking of dropping squats to twice per week before doing sprints, specially during 5s.

Just remember what I said. If it gets to be too much for your legs, I would go to only doing legs on Fridays so you have the long weekend to recover.
This is my first week after 5weeks out of the gym. Since I'd like to lose some fat, I started straight on the 10s. First workout was Monday, full body routine. Yesterday I skipped the sprints and had a rest day. After a long break my legs are taking some time to adapt. Besides I want to be careful with my ankle. My tendinitis has gone away but I still feel a bit "tight".

Today I plan Upper body.

I would strongly recommend 15s for your legs at least to help the tendons recover.
That's a good idea, I'm going to skip sprints and do squats, just 1set of 15s for 3/4 days per week to help recover. Let's see how my ankle behaves

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