Help creating routine


New Member
Hi all,

I've just resumed weight training after few years lay off where I was mainly doing bodyweight training.

I'm looking to get a bit stronger and put on a few kgs and for the last 4 months was doing Rippetoe's starting strength. I was loving that program but an injury which I won't get into has forced me to give up squats and dead lifts for a few months and with those lifts being a cornerstone of starting strength I'm going to switch to HST for a cycle or 2 and see how i go.

Anyway, I'm just looking for a little help constructing my routine. This is what I have at the moment:

Leg extension or press
Leg curl
Standing calf raise
Barbell flat bench press
Standing press - starting strength style
Pendlay row

I've left out biceps and triceps intentionally as i think that doing bench and rows 3 times a week should hit them enough to make them grow. Also doing 3 sets in the 5 rep range of 8 exercises may be too much for me to handle. In the last 4 months my arms have grown just from squats, deads, press, bench and cleans so i hope it will work.

I'm just asking the opinions of people more experienced than me in HST as to whether the above routine looks okay. My other concern is maybe i won't be able to add too much weight on the 15's and 10's for standing press and rows to make it worthwhile.

Many thanks.
Update: Just back from the gym where I was testing my 15 rep max's on the above exercises and my arms are really pumped so I'm going to keep it as it is for this cycle and see how it goes. Squats and deadlifts in place of leg extensions, curls and calf raises would make it a really good beginners routine, maybe even drop the row.