Help!I tired of my training

Take a couple of weeks off....
After looking at your log...
It seems you're becoming lethargic/drained due to overtraining.

I think most of us have been (I know I have). And taking some time off usually does the trick...

Good luck.
Sometimes a reality check is needed. I assume that like 99% of us - you are pretty much what would be called a "hobbiest" , in other words the only compensation you get out of your obsession with lifting is personal satisfaction , perhaps some compliments , enhanced strength/health for everyday living ect. A hobby MUST be "fun" , when it is no longer fun it's not really a hobby so much as a chore .

Taking some time off shouldn't feel like a bad thing , if your in it for the long haul it will be nessessary from time to time . Switching programs isn't an indictment of the ineffectiveness of a prior program when it's done to keep motivation and interest up.

We've all either been exactly where you are or will be at some point , my advice is take a 2 week total break from lifting , use that time to find a routine thats completely different than what you've been doing (yet effective - and there are many) and do that for a cycle before returning to your previous routine.

If this seems "disloyal" to your sensibilities than at least programming a drastically different HST template for your next cycle would be a good compromise. We all have different temperaments , guy "A" can slog away at his same routine year after year and never feel stale , guy "B" may thrive (and progress) most by programming some variety into his yearly plan - and neither guy is going to be further ahead all things being equal . Of course there is always a guy "C" who hasn't actually completed a whole cycle of any routine as his "lifting ADD" keeps him hopping from program to program each week or two - but as your posting here instead of T-nation or I know youre not THAT guy even with out reading your log.

Theres no shame in taking time off OR cycling in a different routine . Good luck!
BTW things are usually going just great right before the CNS has had enough - typically PRs right and left great workouts blah , blah, what is actually "peaking" gets mistaken for a "new level" - the distinctions are subtle , you learn to see it coming more from the log books and experience than physical feel sometimes.

Of course theres the "other way" when you've been slowly grinding your CNS into the ground but ignoring symptoms - but that doesnt seem to fit this case.
Thank's for the replies!!
I did this workout today:

Leg press:397 lbs x 10,6,4
Bench press:144 lbs x 10,5,4,1
Deadlifts:210 lbs x 5, 224 lbs x 1(this is my first deadlift workout since I was a beginer).I have long legs and short torso, this is good for deads?
I think I will do a vanilla HST, just 10 + 5 + post 5, deloud, repeat.
Thank's again for the help!!
PS:the man on my avatar did bench press whit 505 x 5, oh, if he can be my coach....
Everyone loses motivation here and there, just keep at it, you will be glad you did. It is the tough times that separate the guys that are in it for the long haul that end up with great physiques from the guys who "lift" and you can never tell.

I found myself a bit discouraged last week, as I nearing the end of a cut and am tired of having a lack of energy. I changed my routine a bit and now I feel revitalized and I am excited to lift again.

Deads are great, give them a chance and they will repay you.

Here is my current A/B routine that I do 4-6x week.

Routine A:

DB Curls
Weighted Crunches

Routine B:

Incline BB Bench
Leg Presses
DB Shoulder Press
Seated Rows
Inner Bench Press

You need to engage HST as is as it looks like your type of training is leading to overtraining, Russ has given you a very good breakdown of how things go.

My opinion is you should engage a simplified routine and implement the 15/10/5 schedule then after the 5's you can tackle 3's, 2's or even singles, for now SD so that you can regain interest and strength!