
New Member
Hey, I've got a huge concern about a very random rapid weight loss I've experienced these past 2 days. On saturday I was ~227lbs, Sunday I went down to ~222lbs and today (Tuesday) I'm at 220lbs! I'm on a bulk cycle and have been eating plenty these past few days, it's not like I cut down my calories all of a sudden to have lost 7lbs. Is there any explanation for this 7lbs loss? I don't believe that water weight is the case.....for why would I randomly lose 7lbs of water? I'm supposed to be at almost 230lbs right now, but this ridiculous weight loss is keeping me from my goal! Any explanations would be appreciated, thanks!

Yeah, it's water weight/fecal matter/etc unless you have AIDs or something. Did you do anything funky with sodium, for instance eating a lot of high sodium foods a week ago, then cutting out the sodium this week, etc etc etc
Sounds like tot hit the nail on the head for this one!

Congrats on the impressive numbers. What BF are you currently at?
Well I hope you're right, as my strength hasn't decreased or anything...keep in mind i'm 6'5, so 220-230 isn't THAT impressive

My goal is probably 240-250 @ 5% body fat. I can't say what body fat I'm at right now, my guess is ~12%, I can still see a 6 pack and am pretty defined in good lighting, so I'm just basing it off looks.

My goal was to be at 230lbs in the next 2-3 weeks and then do a cut phase, as I have yet to do one, back down to 220lbs.

This is my 3rd bulk cycle, I started HST at ~190lbs, and am now 220lbs. Not bad in ~5months!
based on those weight gain #'s, the overall trend has been upward. I wouldn't worry about a 4% fluctuation in 4 days. especially for a young guy w/ good size.

congrats on your gains. been awhile since I've seen your log. how have your lifts been going?
Good man, I got lazy to write the logs, but I'll type up my most updated log now in the logs section if you're interested in seeing my most current lifts.
Great gains Mark! I have been lifting for years now and am only 6'2" 206-209lbs @ 12% bf. Sounds like we are roughly the same ratio wise, so that says a lot about what you have accomplished in a short period of time!

I always complain about my height when it comes to bodybuilding, too many things that go against it...Muscles are longer making you look skinnier, Bones are longer which require more force to move the same amount of weight, etc.

Just curious, any idea what your arms are measuring in at right now? I am just over 16" and am shooting for my lifetime goal of 17"!

Once again congrats!!!
(jwbond @ Feb. 12 2008,20:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds like tot hit the nail on the head for this one!</div>
Yup. Or as Quad has said: poop fluctuations...
jwbond, I'd say when I'm flexing, my arms are about 15.5&quot;, not bad considering 5months ago when I started HST they were 14&quot;. Also supports the idea that your arms CAN grow w/o isolation.