Help me figure out my plan


New Member
Background: Lifting for about ten years, 2 years HST. I have only done cardio in the spring for cuts, but that is going to change.

Curent Stats:
Age: 27
Height: 6"2'
Weight: 206-209lbs
Arms: 16" 2mm cold flexed
Body fat: 11-12% (guessing, as I can see the top 4 abs distinctly in good light)

Curent Lifts: 10RM - basic movements listed, not full routine.
Incline BB Bench: 225lbs
Weighted Pullips: Bodyweight + 35lbs
Deads: 315lbs - maxstim style
Vertical Leg Press: 260lbs (15x not 10x)
Dips: Bodyweight + 75lbs

Ultimate Life-time Goals:
17" arms
205+ lbs @ 8-10% bf
Overall health

Current Problems
High blood pressure: 142/81
Left Shoulder injury: Hurts during bench (BB or DB)

So that is a summary of me when it comes to weight lifting. I am currently in the middle of a bulk. I did a full cycle and then started again at the middle of the 10s. I am at the end of my 10s now.

1 - Continuing into the 5s will only put more weight onto my injured shoulder (which I am rehabbing).
2 - Increased body weight from a bulk could result in even higher BP.
3 - Starting a cut could result in muscle loss when I am starting to hit some PRs.
4 - A cut would shorten the amount of time with my new lbm, which I fear could lessen the effects of muscle memory.
5 - A cut would require heavy weights which would also not allow the shoulder to recover.

So that's my story. I am definately starting some cardio whether I bulk or cut. I am looking to fellow HSTers on guideance on what to do here, as I am at a loss on how to move forward...

Well, you have to make a choice, and the clear cut thing to do seems to be avoid the heavy weights right now. I'm not sure how a bulk will necessarily raise your blood pressure. I would check out your diet and what foods you are eating. Stress is a major contributor as well.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Current Problems
High blood pressure: 142/81
Left Shoulder injury: Hurts during bench (BB or DB)</div>

I have the same problems.

1- I discovered yesterday that I have high blood pressure and low HDL (the good one) cholesterol level. I don't know the impact of bulking to blood pressure.

2- I suffer from a tendinitis to left shoulder: I'm able to work around it, avoiding pain, only with dips and upright rows. I can also handle heavy weights.

A bulk can raise BP, as your heart has to work harder to push blood through the extra bodyweight. Usually it will level off again, but it appears I have levelled off at a bit high, especially for my age!

This means I need to do cardio whether I bulk or cut. Cardio will help to reduce BP. Cutting down bodyweight and during cardio will reduce BP even more.

Colby, you suggest avoiding the heavey weights, but that isn't ideal for bulking or cutting, as I need to increment the weight for a bulk and stay heavy for a cut...Are you suggesting I maintain until shoulder health returns?

PS - I have had some majopr stress since the end of last year, which is also adding to my BP problem.
(jwbond @ Feb. 14 2008,11:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A bulk can raise BP, as your heart has to work harder to push blood through the extra bodyweight. Usually it will level off again, but it appears I have levelled off at a bit high, especially for my age!

This means I need to do cardio whether I bulk or cut. Cardio will help to reduce BP. Cutting down bodyweight and during cardio will reduce BP even more.

Colby, you suggest avoiding the heavey weights, but that isn't ideal for bulking or cutting, as I need to increment the weight for a bulk and stay heavy for a cut...Are you suggesting I maintain until shoulder health returns?

PS - I have had some majopr stress since the end of last year, which is also adding to my BP problem.</div>
Stress seems to be your #1 factor for BP... I have been going through a lot of stressful times in the past year and a half, so I know how that is. Your BP will also be higher when you are sick, so discount those recordings.

Recovering from injuries should be primary concern before lifting heavy weights. Otherwise, the injury will never go away or may even get worse, and then new PR's will not be established.
(colby2152 @ Feb. 14 2008,13:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Recovering from injuries should be primary concern before lifting heavy weights.  Otherwise, the injury will never go away or may even get worse, and then new PR's will not be established.</div>
I guess that is what I am struggling with. Since the shoulder does not bother me after a long warm-up, should I try for a bulk with increasing weight or possibly a cut with maintaining my 10RM?

Or maybe I play it safe and go to lower weights to rest the shoulder.

The problem is that the latter doesn't work into my game plan for spring/summer very well!
(jwbond @ Feb. 14 2008,13:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Since the shoulder does not bother me after a long warm-up, should I try for a bulk with increasing weight or possibly a cut with maintaining my 10RM?

Or maybe I play it safe and go to lower weights to rest the shoulder.

The problem is that the latter doesn't work into my game plan for spring/summer very well!</div>
If you've got rotator cuff problems or some kind of impingement going on in your shoulder, both bench presses and overhead presses need to be off your program. These exercises will only make your shoulder worse -- even with sub max weights.

Back off your presses for a bit (&quot;a bit&quot; being four to six weeks -- summer is still a long way off). Perhaps you just have some inflammation that may heal itself if you quit aggravating it.

You should still be able to do your squats and deads and rows just fine. Pulldowns or chin ups should be okay, as well as shrugs and face pulls.

Besides, if you eliminate your bench press for a while, you may have time to do some curls in the squat rack...
Well i don't like the idea of dropping Incline Bench or DB flat bench, but I guess I might have to!

I need to do something for chest though! Dips feel ok still, but I hate db flies. Any other ideas on what can be done?