Help me improve my routine


New Member
I want to hear from anyone who feels strongly about something that is simple and that I can change in my routine.

Currently this is what my routine looks like:

Training 3.5(average) days a week not 3 days a week so no weekends off.
Hitting failure every 6th workout to keep constant progression, so extending the 6 workout blocks to a 7th.
Failure for me meaning unable to complete another rep with good form, not complete CNS failure meaning getting stuck halfway through a rep although sometimes this just happens.
Repeating each weight twice not zigzagging (this helps me psychologically)
12 days of 15s with the 1st week being 60% of 1RM
12 days of 10s
12 days of 5s with delayed dropsets maybe on the 1st and 4th workout of this block.
12-20 days of 5s every 3rd day not 2nd day, with 2 negative reps on the on the 3rd 5s set, and light delayed dropsets and microloading each workout.
Dropsets being 10-12 reps of 15RM as a separate 4th set, dropsets are not to failure.
No SD.

I am also considering doing 15,12,10,8,5 with zigzagging and hitting failure once per week but that doesn't look like HST to me.

Bryan has mentioned the 15 10 5 scheme was just to get the principles across, I wonder what his ideal scheme looked like before he decided to simplify it.
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Bryan has mentioned the 15 10 5 scheme was just to get the principles across, I wonder what his ideal scheme looked like before he decided to simplify it.

If you haven't read the following series of articles from Bryan going back to before HST was fully sorted, it'll give you some idea of how it developed: