Help me with my training

Swole Status

New Member
Hey guys, first post.
I did SS for a month and a week or so and my lifts progressed to as follows.
Squat: 3x230x5
Seated Press::3x115
Chins: 3x8

I have limited space in my basement, so no cleans. Also I don't have machines or any fancy equipment, but i have a rack, an adjustable bench, and an olympic set.

Then I hurt my back, and took about a week and a half off with high ibuprofen because i had to be ready for baseball. So I haven't lifted in 2 weeks or so now, and baseball has started. I've looked up the basic template, but it seems like a lot of exercises and I don't have all the equipment. I figure I'm already pretty deconditioned, and due to baseball, I cant do 3 heavy workouts per week (SS).

I was thinking:
Squat, SLDL
Bench, Incline
Chins, Row(light cause of back)
Seated press

with isolations in the tens and fives. I don't know though. Any help is appreciated.
Doesn't look bad. You might want to work in regular deadlifts as your back allows.

I usually drop my isos when the weight start to get heavy. Otherwise the workouts take too long.