Help on routine..


New Member
I'm currently on my first cycle, doing 3x a week. I used to stick to 2 sets each, but now during the 5's and negs I'm trying ~20 reps each, sometimes using clustering.

- Squats (Smith machine, 2x week only)
- Leg Curl
- Weighted Chins
- Weighted Dips
- DB Shoulder Press
- Bent-over BB Rows
- Bench Press (flat)
- Barbell Calf Raise
- DB Shrugs
- DB Lateral Raise
- Seated Cable Rows

Can I get away with this many exercises if I don't warm up much?
You don't say how many sets you are doing so it is hard to answer. However, in general, if you are relatively new to BBing, I think you would be better off if you dropped:

Leg Curl
Calf Raise
Lateral Raise
One of the rowing motions.
Welcome Onemoreset!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can I get away with this many exercises if I don't warm up much?</div>
There's been a recent thread about warming up.

Why try to 'get away with' more exercises than you need? Surely, the goal is to maximise your potential? If you are new to this game then go with 5 or 6 major compounds and work at them for a year or so.

Check this thread for more ideas:

Simplify and Win

Hope that helps.
I used to stick to 2 sets each, but now during the 5's and negs I'm trying ~20 reps each, sometimes using clustering.

Thanks for that link!
One, that would be 44 sets during the 5's!
Thanks, but please help me out on this. What I can't wrap my head around is the fact that many people here do only 5 compounds for two sets. So in all, 20 sets.

I this really enough?? Seems too few to me. How many TOTAL sets would you say you normally do, including warmups?
Thanks for the welcome, Lol!

Old and Grey: Why should I cut out Leg curls? How do I hit the hamstrings then? Should I replace it with SLDL?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks, but please help me out on this. What I can't wrap my head around is the fact that many people here do only 5 compounds for two sets. So in all, 20 sets.</div>

These are dropped from the intention of doing actually three sets, but those people are lifting rather heavy, thus the drop!

Enough? Only you can tell!

Bigger load = Bigger hypertrophy

Leg curls = small weight
SLDL = Big weight

You be the judge!
Thanks, it makes sense, Fausto.

It's just that I &quot;felt&quot; I was hitting my hamstrings better with the curl. But leg curl isn't a compound, so I guess that's another reason not to use it eh?

But if I take out the calf-raise, how do I hit calves then?

Thanks again.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But if I take out the calf-raise, how do I hit calves then?

Although I could side with you there, most of us would agree that if you don't necessarily have small calves, smaller than your neck, biceps, then...good ol'squats and deadlifts take good care of them, if...they are heavy enough!

It is not that leg curls are not good but a good ATG squat + SLDL is more than enough to take care of teh hammies.