Help Planning Weeks 7&8 -- Working Out Alone


New Member
I work out by myself, so can weeks 7&8 be a combination of continuing the 5's for those exercises that would need a spotter for negatives AND true-negatives for those that don't? For chins and dips, I can use a chair to lift me between reps. But I can't do that for benching and military press.

What do you think?

Military Press - learn how to do a push press and use that for the positive, then use strict form for the negative.

Bench - just don't do negatives. I would push for a new 5 RM and then go for a max 3 RM the next day and push for a max single on the last day if you have some way to avoid dying if you fail on it. Do you have some spotter bars on your bench or anything like that to prevent death if you fail on the lift?