Help, plateau!


New Member
Hi again,

I'm doing HST 3x/week, with around 7-10 exercises per w/o, and I've increased my calorie intake.. I've been doing HST for around 7 months, and I've never lifted before HST.

So far I've gained ~20 pounds, and I'm very happy with the results; but for the past 3 months or so, I seem to have reached a plateau; no size/weight gains. But I seem to be getting some fat deposits, so I'm wary of increasing my calories.

Should I decrease/increase my frequency, or try a more "conventional" program?

Onemore: how long are you SD'ing for?
You can cut when you feel you look too fat...and either HST or a strength routine would be good for that. Then return to bulking with HST for your next upswing.
Thanks, faz, quadancer. The strange thing is that I'm no longer gaining any weight.. But it seems that some fat is getting deposited (in my gut, for example). So I'm hesitant to cut or SD, because the muscle is always the first to go, right?
That's the reason for strength training on a cut. I believe it send signals to the body that the muscle is needed still.
There's no way round it. If you have stopped gaining then you are going to have to eat more. Up your calories by about 300 a day and see how that goes.

Don't forget that as you have gained weight your daily calorific requirement has increased just so you can maintain bodyweight.

It's almost inevitable that you will gain some fat along with new muscle but there are some possible things to try that might help a little.

One thing you could do is take a look at how your calories are divided up into the main food groups. Cut back on your processed starchy carbs and eat more protein, fats and use vegetables and fruits for your carbs. This might help a bit with partitioning but it might not. Ultimately, though, you've got to be eating enough to gain.

If you SD for two weeks, eat at maintenance and then do another cycle where you keep a closer eye on your calories, you will have a much better idea about what's going on. You will lose very little muscle in two weeks so don't worry about it. Fluids might drop a bit (especially if you stop taking creatine as well) but you will quickly regain that after a week or so of your new cycle. Then you should be able to push past your plateau.
Eat more and do cardio would be my suggestion too.  
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So far I've gained ~20 pounds, and I'm very happy with the results; but for the past 3 months or so, I seem to have reached a plateau; no size/weight gains. But I seem to be getting some fat deposits, so I'm wary of increasing my calories.</div>

You probably weren't gaining anymore since you were eating the same before. Your BMR went up with your weight, so you eventually ate at maintenance. As others have said, it sounds like you need to cut. Try eating about 500 calories under maintenance every day, and you will lose about 1 pound per week.
7 months....that's a little over 30 weeks, which equals about 3 cycles or more depending on how often you did SDs

I think you probably know what you're doing by now as far as the diet and HST program goes. If both of those things are in good shape, I'd say it's time to change your program. That's what I always do, it works
If you aren't gaining weight, then obviously you need to eat more. If you are too fat, then cut down a bit first. Do you count calories?
Contrary to popular belief on places like or t-nation, changing your routine won't matter - no routine is going to put muscle on your frame if you are not eating enough.
I've been getting a lot of acne lately.. Does that rule out low testosterone levels?

I may be eating too little, and doing too many sets too.. Thanks.
I very highly doubt your problem is due to low testosterone levels, unless you are a ways over 40. A lot of guys like to say &quot;it's low test, bro&quot; when in reality it is due to either a crappy diet or a crappy routine. But anyway, acne doesn't really mean much about testosterone levels. The only way to find out what your test levels are at would be to get a blood test. Acne, libido, etc are not a good indicator of what your levels are at. There are too many other things that can effect all of those symptoms.
but for the past 3 months or so, I seem to have reached a plateau; no size/weight gains. But I seem to be getting some fat deposits

I may be eating too little, and doing too many sets too..

In my opinion, you need to start tracking your calories - there's too few numbers here for us to give an anywhere near accurate answer.

Switching routines without finding out if it is &quot;HST&quot; that's at fault - will leave you more confused than ever.

7 months and HST stops workin' - Nah! We really need to see ya routine &amp; poundages ...then we can really begin to help
(onemoreset @ Mar. 14 2007,13:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks everyone.. I'll work on tracking my calories better. I have a feeling I'll find the answer right there.</div>
I'll do some self advertising of my own thread here. Click the link in my signature. It will help you will calorie counting, and how much you need.