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<hr style="color: rgb(217, 217, 217); background-color: rgb(217, 217, 217);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Hey guys. I'm going to the gym to find my rep maxes today the I am going to put them in a rep mac calculator to find out all my rep maxes. I really don't want to have to wait 9 days after. Is there anyway I can find my maxes and then just keep going through the workout?
Well, you can workout once you have found your maxes but then you'll need to take at least a week off (~ 9 days) before starting the actual cycle. Of course, it's not absolutely essential that you do this, but for best results...

Are you new to training or have you been hitting the iron hard for some time?
I'm new to lifting.

OK. I think you should spend a month or two learning to perform the most useful compound movements with good form. Your strength will increase quickly during this time as your nervous system adapts to the stress and improve its ability to coordinate muscle contraction. This is all part of neural learning. As a minimum, you will need to learn to perform exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, press, chins and dips. If possible, get hold of a copy of Rippetoe and Kilgore's Starting Strength (2nd Ed.) and digest the information on form in these exercises; it'll be a good investment. Learning good form is vital for continued safe and progressive lifting.

After a couple of months of steady lifting* you'll be in a better position to find some more meaningful RMs.

* Try for a linear progression over this time - ie. try to add a little weight to the bar each time you workout. If you are still making good gains at the end of a couple of months, just keep going until you stop making progress.

Follow this with a 9 day SD and then start a new HST cycle.
I know good form becuase I actually did do Rippetoe's starting strength about 9 months ago but i haven't lifted much since then.
OK. Same thing applies. You can make good use of linear progression while you get some useable strength back. Then find maxes, SD and start an HST cycle.
agree with lol,but if you want to start a HST cycle go ahead,find you maxes and just start from then.
stick to a basic routine like,
squat or deadlift
bench or dips
b-o-r or low-pulley-rows
millitar-press-or shoulder-press
chins or pulldowns
dont bother with tri/bis for now,they will grow using the above exercises,then SD after your first cycle.