Help with designing HST routine


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first time posting here, just wanted some input on how to design this workout.

first off, this is the layout i came up with (and have been doing for 2 days so far, feels good)

Back Squat (1 set)
Stiff Legged Deadlift (2 sets)
Barbell Bench (1 set)
Horizontal Chest Press (machine) (1 set)
Lat pulldown (2 sets)
Close Grip Cable Row (1 set)
Dumbell Shoulder Press (2 sets)
Shrugs (1 set)
Dumbell Bicep Curl (2 sets)
Skull crusher (2 sets)
Abwork (usually do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps of sidebends+decline situps)

forgive me if this looks a bit crazy, but i've been researching other ppls routines and articles on this for a few days and this is what i came up with.

a few questions:

1) it says i should calculate my 15 rep max (which ive already taken a day out to test for each exercise), and lift that amount for 2 weeks. this is pretty much training just a shade shy of going to failure and doing it 3 times a week, this is okay for my CNS? or should i back off a few pounds each exercise?

2) should i do the same workout 3 times a week, or should i set up 2 similar workouts and do them in an ABA BAB ABA BAB style?

3) whats a good tempo? (i feel like i saw something about this in the article, but cant remember)

a bit of a background, ive been lifting for about 3 years, been doing it seriously for about 1 year doing functional strength, so this is my first shot at hitting a straight up hypertrophy program, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys!
1) it says i should calculate my 15 rep max (which ive already taken a day out to test for each exercise), and lift that amount for 2 weeks.
no you start of at 70% to 80% of your 15rm and increase it by about 5% every workout for 6 workouts then you do the same with 10s and 5s.