help with first cycle


New Member
current stats. all 5 rep prs

bench 165

squat 250

dead 300

5'11, 190lbs

Im going to be cutting throughout the cycle with a deficit of 100-500 cals a day

my routine will be as follows:


db bench (slight incline)


lat pulldown (underhand)

arnold press

leg curl


calve raises (on smith machine with plate on floor, my gym doesn't have a calve machine)


kroc row

tricep rope pulldown

im going to test my maxes on theses lifts next week
what do you think of this? I am still not sure if thats the exact order I will be doing the lifts.

I also had a question about tut and rep schemes. I was thinking that since some movements like the squat have much larger rom and thus tut, it would be better to adjust the rep schemes so that they have slightly less reps. I could do the opposite with short rom movements like calve raises. Is this a good idea? I was thinking to doing something like 12/8/4 for squat and 16/12/8 for calve raises.

I also have a problem with hamstring flexibility. is it still a good idea to do leg curls or would this only hurt my flexibility?

Whats the typical % for increments?

and finally, I have a question about volume. since im going to be doing A LOT of exercises each day, I was thinking of only doing one set each workout but, if I feel like I have the energy, maybe do an extra set of the big three. is this a good or is it still too much volume?
your probably going to struggle with dead lift and squats in the same routine when you get to the heavy end of the cycles. I would do a A,B,A routine. I would stick with the basic routine of 15-10-5's to start but your idea would work too it just makes book keeping harder. if you can squat I wouldn't bother with ham curls to start. increasements are 5lbs to 20lb how much you add will depend on how long you have been lifting. beginners will add more than advanced trainees. 1 or 2 sets is the std.
I already do deadlifts and squats the same day so I think Ill be fine with that. Im going to get rid of shrugs but other than that ill keep it the same