Help with HST routine for someone getting back int


New Member
So I've been out of the gym for a few years now. For the past 2 months I've been back in the gym doing a 4 day split, just getting back into the groove. I've put on a little fat around the stomach and lost the muscles I used to have. I'm ready to try something new and the HST routine has peaked my interest. I've read all of the FAQ and threads I could get my hands on and I just wanted to ask the people who've done HST routines before if what I'm planning sounds good.

I'm going to be following the 1x15/2x10/3x5 set/rep approach. Since I haven't been back in the gym that long, should I still do the 7th and 8th weeks of dropsets or just finish up at the end of the 6th week with the 5's?

Here are the exercises I plan on doing:

DB Bench press
Bent-over BB rows
Military press
incline bench
BB curls

Do these look alright? Should I add, replace or delete anything?

Any help or pointers would be appreciated!

DB Bench press
Bent-over BB rows
Military press
lunges...drop these squat/sldl have that covered
incline bench...drop this already got bench
BB curls..drop these and add chins,that way you get a vertical pull and they hit the bis good aswell.

at the end of the 6th wk carry on with your 5rm and try to increase it if possible,you can do dropsets if you want to.