

New Member
Im not sure if this is where I should post or not. I started my 1st hst cycle on saturday. I have been working the body for life program for the past 14 months. I am so sore today that I had a hard time even getting out of bed. Is it normal to get this sore from this work out? Will I be able to hit my15rm today at my work out since Im so sore? Thanks for any info.
Soreness isn't bad. I am surprised at the the amount of soreness you have though. How much time off between BFL and HST did you take? Probably you can just work through the soreness.

I don't understand though how you would be lifting your 15 rep max today if you just started HST Saturday. It would be a good idea to post your program and your weight progressions.
I took of 3 weeks because I got shingles, so I have my body time to heal. I am really surrpized how sore I am. I guess since Im 40, thats just part of getting old.
The 3 week period deconditioned your muscles and that is likely why you are sore. I had shingles last year, left side of abs, and they can drain you tremendously. Start off slow and easy.

I think the shingles got the better of you, plus the 3 weeks, best bet is to work thorough the pain, just warm up real good before you start.

Thew pain should go away at least some! Else it is some other medical condition, it is normal to get a little sore, and yes...sometimes it is a little difficult to get moving but once you get going you alright for the most party of the day!

As O & G pointed out let us see what you are doing so we can guide you! FOr all we know you may be overdoing things a is not uncommon!
Ok, Here is my routine for my 1st cycle
full squats 2 sets
dead lifts 2 sets
incline bench 2 sets
dips 1 set all X 15 reps
chin ups 2 sets
pendlay rows 2 sets
military press 2 sets
lat raises 2 sets
curls 2 sets
tricep extns 2 sets
calf raises 2 sets
weighted crunches 3 sets

mega mens multi vitamen twice a day
C.L.A.A twice a day
Fish Oil twice a day
Vit B12 complex twice a day
Glucosomin Chondroitin twice a day
L-Glutamine once a day
Creatine once a day
Protein shake twice to 3 times a day.
Mike: as O&G said, how come you are on your 15RM already if you only got started on Saturday? As a guide, if you are getting your 15s done in around 30 to 45 mins that should be about right depending on the time taken between exercises and how busy the gym is. Some guys get their 15s done quicker than that though. Post your w/o for more/better advice.

Hey, 40 ain't old!
I'm 41 and have a slight level of soreness throughout the entire cycle. I think yours was due to your SD. Just warm up well and do your workout and you should find it starts to ease off the next day.
also, I took last week to figure out my Maxes. Was a little sore from that but nothing like after the 1st work out
Hang on Mikey! You have way too much volume for the 15's. I would modify to the following with only one set of each:

Squats (alt with deads)
Incline bench
Chin ups
Military press
Triceps ext or close grip bench press
Calf raises

When you get to the 10's, do 2 sets for the compounds but keep one set for the isolations. For the 5's try 3 sets and see how it goes but keep 1 set for the iso. To speed things up, I do the second and third sets of the 5's as drop sets.

I also still question your weight progression.
Ok Og, that sounds better,
Let me see if I have this whole thing right or not.
you do 2 weeks of 15's then 2 weeks of 10s, then 2 weeks of 5s then 2 weeks of negs followed by 1 week of deconditioning. Also what do you want to know about my weight progression? Im new to this hst stuff, so I am still trying to figure things out. Thank you so much for the advice.
Hey Mike,

Nice to know you're trying out HST.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Let me see if I have this whole thing right or not.
you do 2 weeks of 15's then 2 weeks of 10s, then 2 weeks of 5s then 2 weeks of negs followed by 1 week of deconditioning. Also what do you want to know about my weight progression?
Actually, SD would be more like 2 weeks.

For more HST pointers that is readily accessible, you can download the HST FAQ compiled in pdf format, click here.

If anything there is not clear to you, you're always welcome to ask.

Thanks JVROIG,
that helps alot. I got alot of my information including my workout on the site.
Thanks to all for advice. I really appreciate it.
Just for clarification Mike, your 1st day of 15 reps should be at about 60% of your 15 rep max. You then progress up each workout day so that the last day of your 15's you will be hitting your 15 rep max. Same thing with 10's 5, etc. At the end of the 5's, you can continue for another couple of weeks at your 5 rep max, switch to negatives if your have partner to help you with the concentric portion of that lift, swith to your 3 rm or just begin your SD.
Thank you so much OG, I did my max on saturday, that may be why Im so sore. I got most of my info on the site. I stumbled on this site yesterday and have learned alot more. I will repost my work out tomorrow. Im going to use the one you suggested today and for the rest of the 15's. If you you have any other tips, please let me know. And again, thank you so much......
Yeah, O &amp; G is right, I also thought of that but was rather waiting to see what you'd post re: the workout and yep, you have a little too much.

Reduce down the the best exercises and eliminate those you would hit with compounds, then put in one or two iso's towards the 5's and negatives.

However O &amp; G's routine is cool.

Beware he is a tough cooky who's been in the game forever and ever

So If you want a easier cut even further as it gets real tough by the time you get to 5's and you have 3 sets, but these are rhetorics anyhow you are the boss and make your own decisions, we can only guide you that's all!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Beware he is a tough cooky who's been in the game forever and ever
Amen, brother!

I personally wonder, if I reach 55+, will I still be lifting weights? I used to think that was highly unlikely, but everytime I see O&amp;G post here, it's a little inspiration that says &quot;yep, can be done!&quot;
all you guys are inspiring......I had been doing the body for life work out for about the past 15 months and was beginning to lose focus..Prior to that I was a drug addict and alcoholic for 20 years. I have now been clean and sober for 509 days...Working out has been a big part of that...Anyway thanks for the inspiring words and for welcoming me to the neighborhood.
(mike66 @ Jul. 24 2006,10:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also, I took last week to figure out my Maxes. Was a little sore from that but nothing like after the 1st work out</div>
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I read this as saying you did your SD, then found your maxes. Is this correct? If so, you did it backward. Find your maxes, then SD, then start the 15s.