Helping my 18yo female employee...


I need ya'lls help

I have an employee who is 18yo and she is finishing highschool this year. Great girl and one of my best employees. She is an all around athlete; Soccer, tennis, track, ect. Shes 5'5" maybe six. About a buck thirty five.
She is getting ready for tennis season but she still has holiday weight and whats to be ~5lbs light on the fat, stronger a bit, and as agile as possible.
Heres the catch(s): She has a bit of a bumm ankle, rolled it. Not bad but is wearing a support and need to have it ready for action.
She is a mesomorph. Up until the last year or so she had always been heavy. She says )
that she was at 165lbs. Im guessing about ten more. Mind you though, she is in good shape now. Good amount of muscle but a bit of pudge around her middle. She also only has ~30 days until her tennis trials.
And the last catch, Ive never researched/trained a girl so young! A young man, yeah. An older woman, yeah. But an 18 yo meso athlete?
I can help with her diet. I had her start a meal journal and also a training journal.
I would like your help! If you have any articles or threads that I could review that would be awesome. Or if you can directly help us with her goals that would be even better.

Thank you all,

I wanted to say, tell her to go running, but she has a bum ankle. HST can work as a good energy expenditure. Make sure she is on a calorie deficit, and when her ankle gets better she can go running. She doesn't need more muscle on an already muscular frame, especially for tennis.
if it were me training her i would do little research first.
a quick seach of the web could prob. provide some basic wgt training and other exer. pertinent too tennis season preparation as well as some exer. too avoid or common mistakes etc.

find out exactly what happened to the ankle and what rehab was prescribed so you can help further that and be part of the solution as opposed to unknowingly hindering it.

talk to the tennis coach and/or local tennis pro. i doubt they will have a whole lot to add in the wgt training area but prob. some thoughts on general preparation and again some things to avoid etc.

other then that just having a good sensible w/o and diet prog. should give her what shes looking for. if it goes well and she does much better this season you may find yourself with more "tennis prep" busn. in the future.

btw, ive coached before (not tennis) and have run many off-season training programs and believe me when i say involving the "powers that be" (parents, coach, doctors rehab plan etc) goes along way towards a successful program. not many understand the nuances or possibilities of wgt training but just showing the fact that your taking a personal interest (ankle, tennis specifics etc) goes a long, long way.

good luck
In addition to the previous suggestions, there’s no need to treat her differently just because she is an eighteen-year-old girl. You can perfectly well train her as you train other women – just take care of the ankle problem.

As to the ankle, you can apply ART (Active Release Therapy) techniques. Google will return you some nice informative links on the topic.

Since she is a mesomorph, you should try a complex calorie cycling diet, starting a little lower as usual. Here is a calculator.
(XFatMan @ Jan. 31 2008,16:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">As to the ankle, you can apply ART (Active Release Therapy) techniques. Google will return you some nice informative links on the topic.</div>

again......... if it were me,......... assuming your certified in personal training of some sort, unless that cert. included ART id stay away from it.

i think ART works great and have seen it work wonders but unless your trained in something then your putting the rest of your &quot;actual credentials&quot; you are trained in at risk. guess who is going to be on the hook if her rehab plan doesnt prescribe ART yet you decide to give it a shot. maybe it helps but if for any reason at all her ankle gets worse or even doesnt improve as quick as it should will be the one on the hook.

just my opinion. its not a statement on ART or xfatman or anything else.......its just the world we live in.

good luck
Thanks guys. Im not trying to train her towards tennis per se'. She just wants some help to loose about five to ten pounds of fat and increase strength for her tennis schedule. Ive let her know the limits of my knowledge and that I cant promise anything. None the less I have told her I would explore my resources to give her advice on what she can incorporate into her existing program.
As for her ankle its an 'old' injury. She has gone thru phys therapy for it all ready but she did roll it a bit earlier this week. She has a brace on and is taking it easy on it.
She runs, swims, stairs, and is starting weight training again slowly but surely. She is also an accomplished tennis player. What she is looking for is increased strength and lower body weight (surprise huh?! LOL)
Shes given me her diet for the last few days:
18oz Straw/banana whey protein and yogurt smoothy
16oz Non Fat Mocha sugar free
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 c snow peas
1/2 c green beens
1 small mandarin orange
1 apple

Her cal intake is alot less than she is burning in a day. Im guessing she is getting about 20-30g of protein a day. That cant be good. No good fats either.
My initial thought was to have her hit a couple three weeks of 15's in the weight room with minimal rest in between sets. Have her get some low impact cardio in after that, keeping it easy on her ankle. Shes also working out every single day! I let her know she needs rest to heal but also give her CNS a break!
I have her current work out routine also, but after an eleven hour day Im a bit too tired to type it out tonight.

So gentlemen, with that update what other input can you give me? Shes not really interested in supplements other than macronutrient stuff like whey or EFA's and Im not really wanting her to either. Thank you all so much for helping and creating such a great community here,

She's not going to gain much strength on THAT diet, as you know. Also, without fats, her memory should be going down soon and her joints are at risk.
Aren't we looking at a joint problem here?