Hi Everyone!


New Member
Hello, I'm new to HST and the forum. I'm 19 years old going on 20. I live in Danville, Indiana. I have a fiance and soon to have a kid which I'm hoping is a boy. I started out with bodyweight workouts in my mid-teens and eventually moved onto weightlifting as I got more equipment. I work out at home and just started my first HST cycle although I don't think I started my 15s properly. I guessed a good weight to start the 15s with but it was a little heavier than I expected after an SD. Here is a link where I posted my pictures in the pictures thread above. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

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Welcome! I guess folks around here are waiting for questions. That's what we thrive on.

If you want to get the most out of an HST cycle it's best not to guess RMs.

Have a good read of the FAQs and then if you have any questions on how to set-up a cycle or which exercises to use for greatest effect let us know.

All the best.
Just checked the pics – bit fuzzy but looks like you have a good foundation to build on.

How are you going to approach your training? What are your goals? Do you want to cut some fat first?

It might be possible for you to get a bit leaner whilst adding some lean mass if you are new to training.
Well I think I want a good combination of high strength and hypertrophy. I can make some newer pictures as I know they are not in the best shape. I have mainly done strength training with 5 reps for 3 to 5 sets on compound workouts. I have an adjustable olympic rack and a bench to go with it along with possibly over 500 pounds in weights. Although my bar cannot hold all of the weight I have at once. I noticed that I may have bulked quite a bit with strength training which I'm assuming is possible? Mainly though I'm looking to do a combination of bulking and strength training so I can get the most out of what bulk I gain.