Hi I have some questions !!!


New Member
I´m Till from GErmany and I have some questions :
why i don´t have to train my (bauch [German]) sixpack (i don,t know how it´s called in english)?
2.Can i train every day?
3.what can i do if i don´t have enough (Hantelscheiben)
And sorry for my bad english.
Gruss Dich Till und wilkommen.

1) Yes you can should train your bauch "abdominals"

2) No you can not lift every day -- you need a pause a rest in order to grow. Over training "ubertraineren?" is a big problem especially with beginners. Zu veil lust und zu wenig Verstaendnis.

If you want to you can train every day by spliting your program in two. So you will not hit the same muscles everyday

3) You will have to buy more "Hantelscheiben" or join a sports club. With out enough plates and weights it is difficult to train properly.

Hoffentlich es ist Klar geworden,

Thanks ,but i did an mistake i began the training with the weight of 15 rm and not 65% of 15 rm what can i do?
should i start again?
because i still trained every day for one week and I lost 1kg(don´t know how much it is in english)
Es ist mir nicht 100% Klar was deine frage ist. Aber was du machen solts ist...

Follow the instructions on the site. Do a pure "vanilla" or (normal) HST for one cylce.

1) find your maximum weights for each rep range

2) Do 10 days of SD ( dass heist keine uben oder keine gewicht heben fur 10 tage)

3) Do the normal HST as outlined on this site.
Hello Till!

Well, I hope I can make this clear. Just ask me whatever still confuses you after I do my best to explain.

First, the "sixpack" is called "abs". Yes, so when we say "abs", that's what we mean. And yes, you still have to train your abs. Just do weighted crunches, that'll be fine. What's more critical though is the diet.

Yes, you can train everyday, but only if you don't use the same muscle group. For example, I can workout my chest on monday, then my legs on tuesday. That's ok. But if you do a full-body workout, then you have to wait for at least 36 hours before you can train again. This is because the muscle needs to recover first, and 36-48 hours is sufficient.

If you have to start over again because you want to correct mistakes in your training methods, find your maxes (if you haven't found them yet) then do strategic deconditioning (or SD for short, which is simply intentional rest for most purposes) for 9-12 days. If I were you, just schedule your SD to end on the Monday that is nearest to 9-12 days. For example, if the 11th day of your SD is Monday, then stop your SD on the 11th day and start working out again.

If you don't have enough weight (referring to weight plates, the load, or the "Hantelscheiben" as you said), you really have no other option but to buy more of them, or join a gym. Of course, if that's not possible right now, then in the meantime, while waiting for the possibility to arrive, simply do the exercises that you can with the limited weights that you have. For example, if you only have a total of 60 kg of weight available, then i'm sure you can still train your arms and finish one whole cycle with that weight. Also train your chest and other large muscle groups until you reach your maximum available weight (60kg in this example.) After that, continue with your max weight for two more weeks, then if the cycle is still not over because you still have to train your smaller muscle groups, just drop the exercises that require more weight.

I hope that helped. I'm sorry but I really can't speak German.

Good luck! :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ July 27 2005,3:42)]Yes, you can train everyday, but only if you don't use the same muscle group. For example, I can workout my chest on monday, then my legs on tuesday. That's ok. But if you do a full-body workout, then you have to wait for at least 36 hours before you can train again. This is because the muscle needs to recover first, and 36-48 hours is sufficient.
It isn't said anywhere that you must rest a muscle for at least 36hrs. For myself and at least a few others, I have found that my body seems to prefer full body workouts 6x a week. You can work a muscle everyday if you wish, you just must keep a close eye on overtraining and energy intake. After all, protein synthesis is peaking at 24hrs after loading, so in some aspects, it may be better to work a muscle everyday as opposed to everyother day or another scheme.
Hello baby_a :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It isn't said anywhere that you must rest a muscle for at least 36hrs.  For myself and at least a few others, I have found that my body seems to prefer full body workouts 6x a week.  You can work a muscle everyday if you wish, you just must keep a close eye on overtraining and energy intake.  After all, protein synthesis is peaking at 24hrs after loading, so in some aspects, it may be better to work a muscle everyday as opposed to everyother day or another scheme.

Yes, of course, you are correct in that point. :)

But would you tell a newbie that? Someone who hasn't had as much experience should just be told what is safer, not just everything that works well for the pros, because they don't have the experience yet to process and understand those things, and would further lead to confusion.

Nothing really strictly says 36 hours, but 36-48 hours is what newbies would see written in the basic HST articles. Would you deliberately give advice that "seemingly" (to a newbie) contradicts the basic articles? I would prefer not to, and instead just give them those same basic guidelines. Just let them try out the basic plain-vanilla HST.  Eventually, when they get more experience and understand things better, they'll learn more of the advanced stuff and learn how to integrate them properly in their routine.

You aren't wrong, and I also used to train every day until my schedule didn't allow it, and now I only get to train 3x a week again. All I'm saying is, Till is clearly a newbie at this, and all he needed to know was the "basic package"; anything more might just confuse him.

Oh, by no means was I suggesting that I think he should attempt an everyday type routine at this point. Actually, I was just making sure that you and anyone else who might stumble across this thread knows that there are many ways to approach an HST routine, and that a 6x a week routine was not out of the question. His original question was, though, if he could train everyday if he wished...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Oh, by no means was I suggesting that I think he should attempt an everyday type routine at this point. Actually, I was just making sure that you and anyone else who might stumble across this thread knows that there are many ways to approach an HST routine

Oh, that's very nice, then. It's always prudent to make sure every so often that people get things clear.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]His original question was, though, if he could train everyday if he wished...

Actually, that occured to me too! :) But I considered that, since his english is bad, he might actually have meant it differently than just "can I train everyday". I thought, ok, maybe he is actually trying to ask for guidance on how to better tackle this "train more frequently" approach that HST promotes. Since he is a newbie, I just decided it was better to interpret his question that way and lead him to the plain vanilla HST routine first.

Hehehe :D Well, I just hope you understand us Till. I'm sorry we really can't speak German.


And yes i understand everything you say I only don´t know bodybuilding specific words ;)


I found my maxes but at the 15 cycle i startet with the max of 15rm and not with 65% or something like that.

Danke :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thanks

And yes i understand everything you say I only don´t know bodybuilding specific words

Whew! That is so good to hear, otherwise it would have been frustrating to say everything we said if you couldn't understand them anyway :D

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]

I found my maxes but at the 15 cycle i startet with the max of 15rm and not with 65% or something like that.

Well, yeah, just SD for the prescribed 9-12 days, try to start on a Monday again, then begin your workout. Don't worry, you don't have to be so exact with the 65% or something. Just do the increments properly using 5 or 10 pounds increment, or 2.5 if the max weight is small for the smaller muscle groups like arms.

For example, if your max weight in 15RM is 100, you can do your six 15RM workouts like this:
1st workout day: 50
2nd workout day: 60
3rd workout day: 70
4th workout day: 80
5th workout day: 90
6th workout day: 100

or like this:

1st workout day: 75
2nd workout day: 80
3rd workout day: 85
4th workout day: 90
5th workout day: 95
6th workout day: 100

Either way will be ok, so just choose which one you feel is better for you personally. And for the smaller maxes (like if your max for biceps is only something like 20) you can just increment using 2.5lbs, so it will look like this:

1st workout day: 8.5
2nd workout day: 10
3rd workout day: 12.5
4th workout day: 15
5th workout day: 17.5
6th workout day: 20

or you can also repeat a weight so you can still use 5-pound increments, so it will look like this:

1st workout day: 10
2nd workout day: 10
3rd workout day: 15
4th workout day: 15
5th workout day: 20
6th workout day: 20

Either way will also work just fine, so just choose which one you like and go ahead.

Good luck, happy lifting! :)

This forum is much better than the german hst forums,because there you have to wait a few day for an answer
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]what do you think about cluster HST i can´t believe that this really works!

I'm not sure I understand that one... If you mean clustering, well, that's ok, but if you mean a whole different thing (some other type of HST??? ), well, I haven't heard of it.

Clustering is when you target a specific number of reps (say 10) and you do as many sets as you take to get that number of reps, like you can only do max of 5 in set 1, 3 on set 2, then 2 on set 3 because the weight is that heavy.

Did that help, or did I totally miss what you were asking?
Hehehe, just got the word from Dan, you are talking about a different form of HST practiced in Europe.

Hehehe, don't know anything about that though, so I can't tell you if that really works or not.

Don't worry, some other folks will help us all out soon enough.
I think in europe it´s the same it´s only called "cluster HST" but i can´t believe that this works ,because it´s not the same if you make 15 reps or 5 than 5 and than again 5 !do you have any experience abot do this?
Hello Till! :)

Well, that I can answer, thank God... or at least, help you answer it yourself. ;)

You see, when it comes to the European cluster HST, I have no clue. But you yourself can answer that question! Here's how:

You see, there really is nothing magic about doing 2 weeks of 15's, then 2 weeks of 10's, then 2 weeks of 5's, then 2 weeks of negs or max weight. All these "mechanisms" we set in place are just that: mechanisms, not magic solutions or well guarded ancient secrets of Tibetan-Buddhist monks. :D

The "real power" behind these HST workouts is the fact that they properly apply HST principles. By doing the workout that we do here at HST, we are simply properly applying scientific principles geared towards making muscles grow and grow again.

So no matter what rep scheme you use or how often you work out, it is still HST if it follows the core principles like strategic deconditioning to make the muscles susceptible to hypertrophy again; progressive loading, starting from a weight just enough to stimulate some hypertrophy again after sufficient deconditioning, and gradually increasing the load until you reach your maxes (or beyond); creating a more conducive environment to hypertrophy by training more frequently; and keeping volume low in order to better facilitate frequent training.

If the cluster HST in Europe (that you can't believe works) follows those same principles of hypertophy and they just use different mechanisms to apply it (but the principles themselves remain unchanged, and are still properly applied), then rest assured that it does work, because it's still the same thing at the core. HST really isn't some sort of strict secret routine or ancient training methods of secretive mysterious monks. HST is simply the proper and practical application of hypertrophy specific research aimed at making muscles grow bigger over and over again. That's why it is so unbelievably flexible!  

Hope that helps. Good luck!  :)