
New Member
Although I just recently became a member of this board, I have been a long time follower of HST principles and reader of this forum. So I have come to appreciate all the knowledge and feedback that it shared amongst the members.

If I were to follow a traditional 3 day/week HST program, how well does HIIT fit in to this? Are legs being worked on too many consecutive days to yield growth? I typically do 2-3 sets of squats, along with 1-2 sets of SLDL, and 2-4 sets of calf raises. In my opinion legs are the body part that needs the most improvement.

I've read the FAQs and recall Bryan recomending 20-40 minutes of a brisk walk on a treadmill with a slight incline for cardiovascular health. I personally enjoy sprinting and the feeling it gives me, but is going to keep my legs from growing?