HIIT program


New Member
I'm SDing and taking a break from bulking to fix some postural problems and to cut fat a bit, so I'm going to start doing HIIT, I'm thinking I'll start with 1min on 1min off for 20mins, then progress up to 2mins on 30secs off.

Does anyone have any experience with HIIT and progressing up (HST has made me mad about progressino

With my clients what I usually do is 1min on 1 min off, or 1 min on 30sec off, for about 6-10mins depending on their level of fitness and goals, on a spin bike, adjusting the resistance. Its great fun because I get to yell at them to push like mad, and they just burn themselves out its great.
HIIT is simply awesome cardio. Brutally difficult and very effective. Try to increase your output very slightly each session. You should be able to make an approximately 10% improvement in capability each week.

Since I'm no longer doing endurance cardio, my cardio work is all HIIT - done in rounds of high output and low output. If you are doing it for training purposes, eat for it because it takes a lot of calories to get a good 15 or 20 minute session. If you are doing it to burn some fat, eat the same as you would for any cutting plan.

I'm doing mine with the jumprope, burpees, and heavy bag work. HIIT can be fun, and if done with a specific goal in mind...very effective at improving a particular skill.