Holy Moly

Old and Grey

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yowie Kazowie! Avatars are back. Error messages are gone!

Way to go JV! You one smart muscle nerd!
Yep, the board is free from all the problems it experienced ever since Feb of 2006 (after the seemingly botched upgrade).

I just need two more image files to restore Bryan's avatar and teamicon. If any of you guys have ever saved html pages from HST threads, you might have saved a thread where Bryan posted. In that case, you'll have both his avatar and teamicon on your files. To check, simply do a search for "hsadmin.gif" on your computer. If it shows up, you'll also find "uploaded_HSNTorsoAvatar,gif" on the same location.

Please email those two files to me if you find them. My email is (remove the _NO_SPAM, that's just so I can avoid spambots):
jv_Crow_spirit_NO_SPAM @ yahoo . com

Thanks a lot.

jv, have you tried archive.org and it's wayback machine? It might have a copy of the forum with bryan's avatar and admin icon. Worth a shot anyway.
Thanks, Tot. I was about to try that out when Berserk posted the files he found.
All is finally well again.