Holy Volume Batman!

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As a few may recall I just started my HST program.

My lifts 6 days were going to be 105%, 100%, 95%, 90%, 85%, 80%

15 and 10 rep weeks would be 2 sets, 5rep week would be 3 sets...

After two days I have to say, HOLY good lord that is a lot of volume.

I am pretty much positive there is NO way im going to be able to add 5% to any of my lifts.... in fact, Im thinking that 2 sets is too much really.

Coming from AWESOME progress in the madcow 5x5 program... im like dying here trying to get two sets in... and im only at 85% right now!

anyone have a thought on whether I should drop a set and continue with the goal of 5% in two weeks... or keep 2 sets but finish with my RM?

Im thinking drop one set, try to add the 5%...

You could try it with larger percentage drops. That way you'd be starting off lighter and getting your conditioning up. I'm in the madcow now and I hope I don't have your problem when I return to HST. They both ROCK!!!

Dro the one set mate! NOt quite clear what set scheme you doing now? 15's, 10's?

If so, drop indeed, else on 5's drop one set try to keep two going!
Your last day of a mesocycle should be 100% of your given RM, not 105%. You will have the strength boosts and you can account for that at the end of your cycle in the negatives and within your next one. Also, try starting out at 70% of your RM, and do not stick to a constant amount of sets. If you can do more - fine, but do not target X amount of sets, especially when the load gets higher.
Maybe it would be a good poll to take: I don't really remember gaining on my 15 rm, but my 10's and 5' were always 105% or more by the time I got to them.
I set my number of sets up and stick to it, but perhaps I'm just obsessive that way; I'd feel like I didn't do my workout if I fell short.
If you have SDed properly the 15s should kick your butt from the get-go. However, there's really no need to do 2 sets during the 15s. Just do more reps each set if it feels too easy. Go for the burn but not failure.

As Colby said (and I think I said in a previous thread) go for increases at the end of the 5s. That's when you should be pushing hard. Right now you should be trying to manage fatigue so you feel great when you get to the 10s and 5s. Your 15RM w/o should be the only one that really pushes you hard during 15s.
I'M doing 2 sets on 15's, 3 on 10's, and 4 on 5's. Do you think its too much.
By the way on 5's im doing 4 exercises. And on 10's and 15's doing 7 exercises.
(Avi1985 @ Feb. 15 2007,16:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'M doing 2 sets on 15's, 3 on 10's, and 4 on 5's. Do you think its too much.
By the way on 5's im doing 4 exercises. And on 10's and 15's doing 7 exercises.</div>
Not trying to act like a psychologist, but the question is, do you think it is too much? With 4 exercises, I do not see a problem. It may be too tough with 7 exercises - possibly cut it down to 5 or 6 for the 10's/15's rep range.
I dont see (at this point... from my own experience) how anyone could manage 4 sets for 7 exercises...serious, compound movements at least... maybe you could with some fluffy **** like kickbacks or rope press downs.... also remember these are not pyramiding sets with the final being your all out max... these are straight sets!!

I think I will be cutting down to one set for the rest of the program... its not like my progress will be zero and i can always adjust up... but if i burn out and accumulate too much fatigue then ive screwed the pooch for several weeks.

Also, for a little more info, Im currently doing 10 movements as follows:
Standing calf raise
Power Shrug
(abs at the end, just hanging raises)

I am going to cut out the dips... the weight i use my muscles can handle, but after all the other work, my tendons and ligaments feel like ****... just too much work... especially when im dipping BW plus 80 for 15reps or BW plus 115 for 5
Im doing 4 sets only on the 5's. And when im doing 7 exercises im adding the abs and arms. On abs im working like on every other muscle (2-3 sets), and for arms im giving 2 sets (1 for bi and 1 for tri). Sounds ok?
I know after a good sd and in the second weeks of the 15's at the end i sometimes feel like im going to throw up. its crazy... i dont know what it is but it only happens on the 15's or the last workout in the 10's. so dont worry and dont feel bad because the 15's are killin you because im sure it happens requently. either that or we are doing something really wrong