How am I doing?


New Member
I am 56 years old, 6'2", & on August 4th, weighed 170lbs, waist 34", chest 40".
Started lifting that day at the local Gold's gym..quick background...have been a basketball/tennis guy through my life, have had 2 hernia surgeries within last 10 years. Also, can't do shoulder work...rotator-cuff problems drove me out of local tennis tournament scene 15 yrs. ago.
I'm the classic slow-gainer I guess...have much trouble gaining weight... hummingbird metabolism...
Started my sets on bench press at 150lbs (6-8reps), lat pulldowns @130lbs (6-8reps), can't do squats or legpress due to fear of getting hernia problem again...
My bench press now is up to 205, doing about 7-8 reps on first set, and @ 6 reps for the second set. Then I do 2 sets of dips on the dip machine 180lbs/ 6-7 reps. Next, I do triceps pushdowns at 120lbs/2sets/6-8reps.  I now can do Lat pulldowns at 160lbs, first set for 6reps, then 150lbs/7reps for second. My weight has reached 179lbs. at this point. (Nov.18th)
I am getting stronger, and chest is now 42" , waist is 33'(cut down on junk), blood pressure is fine at 120/80, and my overall cholesterol is @ 200.
I really want to gain at least 10 more pounds of body weight, but it's just not happening... in addition to normal eating I take a MetRex MRP twice a day.  I'm a pretty "wired" guy, type A personality...
How can I gain "good' weight...I eat right, and know the food groups, etc... but it just "ain't happening" for me...
Set up an HST routine. Go top the "HST Newbies topic" in the HST forum, and click on this link:

"Detailed explanation of how to set up your HST for the first time"

If you have qu's after reading the initial posts in that topic, then ask away in the HST forum :)

There's also a link to a page with rotator cuff help.
If you want to gain weight, you have to eat more. If you aren't gaining weight, then you aren't eating enough.
Thx guys... any other thoughts...let me know...
Today(Saturday, the 19th), did 210 bench press for 6 reps...first time at this weight... I'm psyched!! My goal is to bench one and a half times my body-weight (so 270lbs.)...1 rep max...
Besides doing shrugs(hurts my rotator cuff), anything else I can do to get my neck bigger?
Welcome RIRed2005

A couple of pointers for yah:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also, can't do shoulder work...rotator-cuff problems drove me out of local tennis tournament scene 15 yrs. ago.

Can't do squats or legpress due to fear of getting hernia problem again...

HST will allow you to re-do all of these, that is why the 15's are there, so buddy do not worry about your age, just get a HST routine going, avoid these gym machines such as the dip machine, rather use the dip bar...that one will seriously get chest and triceps growing like weeds

Hernia? .... you were operated on, surely if you start off nice and easy, you can see whether this is likely to happen, I seriously doubt it

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'm the classic slow-gainer I guess...have much trouble gaining weight... hummingbird metabolism...

Yup, that one was answered by Tot, HST is the solution for this have to eat above maintenance to get it going

Well, hope to hear from you soon :D