How can I get the best out of Strategic Deconditioning period ? (e.g. stretching?)



Is there any way to speed up the healing and recover that the Strategic Deconditioning period generates?

i.e. How can we get a good supply of blood to our muscles ?

- Should we do gentle warm-up excercises, say once per day?

- If not, what about getting blood flowing by getting the body warm through a warmed-up external environment (e.g. hot baths, saunas etc).

- If not, do hot baths & saunas actually damage the deconditioning process?

- What about gentle stretching?

After 6 days of zero exercise, my muscles are still feeling rather stiff and tight (esp in the shoulders). But I dont know if it's a good idea to do stretching or gentle warming up exercises in case it stops the muscles from deconditioning properly. As I understand that we need to allow the muscles to decondition before a cycle of growth can happen again.

With thanks

John Smith

Is there any way to speed up the healing and recover that the Strategic Deconditioning period generates?

i.e. How can we get a good supply of blood to our muscles ?

- Should we do gentle warm-up excercises, say once per day?

- If not, what about getting blood flowing by getting the body warm through a warmed-up external environment (e.g. hot baths, saunas etc).

- If not, do hot baths & saunas actually damage the deconditioning process?

- What about gentle stretching?

After 6 days of zero exercise, my muscles are still feeling rather stiff and tight (esp in the shoulders). But I dont know if it's a good idea to do stretching or gentle warming up exercises in case it stops the muscles from deconditioning properly. As I understand that we need to allow the muscles to decondition before a cycle of growth can happen again.

With thanks

John Smith

Deconditioning your muscles comes from not using your muscles. They will recover fine with no exercise or stretching. The less you use them, the more stimulation they will get when you start your next cycle.
Yup, try watching a lot of TV.
Don't lift anything heavier than the remote.
Try to get people to bring you things...