How do I know if HST is working for me?


New Member
I can't really see a visible difference... maybe because i look into the mirror too much. Other ppl have said i've gotten bigger but i honestly dont see it. I just finished my 10's yesterday. I do have a new max but during the second set i couldnt complete 10. i did 7 or so, rested a couple seconds then did 3 more.

I went from 173.8lbs(day 1)
Day 8: 178.8lbs
day 14: 183.3
day 21:189.4
Day 28: 190.4(I stopped taking the supplements)

I was taking hmb, ebol, weight gainer, and alot of protein shakes + food.

The only difference other than being able to lift more I see if my legs(i only did resistance training due to stress fractures) have gotten bigger(doesn't really seem FATTER) just thicker. Umm I also began a program the dr gave me so I can get back into running. I started it between day 14 and 21. It's basically run a lap, walk a lap for 2 miles. then when that no longer hurts run 2 laps walk a lap for 2 miles which is where i'm currently at. It's done every other day.
You are only four weeks in?

Four weeks isn't a real long time to be judging whether you are getting results yet or not.
When will i be able to tell? the end of my first cycle? tomorrows my 2nd day of 5's. And my thighs touch now... i HATE IT. I've upped my running to run a mile. walk a lap. run a mile. This hurts still so imma do this for a while.
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When will i be able to tell? the end of my first cycle? tomorrows my 2nd day of 5's. And my thighs touch now... i HATE IT. I've upped my running to run a mile. walk a lap. run a mile. This hurts still so imma do this for a while.

Huh? What are you talking about?
I wouldn't worry that much about not hitting all 10 reps on the second set. After hitting a max, I typically have to rest at least a few minutes before getting all reps on the next set. It sounds like it is working for you. If I were you, in order to get an easy way to measure whether it is working (aside from your strength going up, which is a pretty clear indicator that something is right) is to pick one body part to measure on a consistent basis. The easiest and most satisfying for most guys is to measure your biceps. Track that on a weekly basis. Don't measure after your workouts though since they will be pumped up and enlarged at that point. If your arms are steadily getting bigger, you know you are getting larger.

You can measure other bodyparts too if you really want to. I wouldn't worry about taking all those supplements. Creatine works good, that is proven to work. Keep the protein high. You can save money on your weight gainer by making your own. Most weight gainers are packed full of saturated fats and sugars. I prefer to take a simple shake consisting of: 1/4 cup of olive oil, 2 cups of milk, 6 scoops of whey. Depending on what type of whey you are using, this typically comes out to just over 1000 calories and at least 150 grams of protein. Also, instead of a lot of saturated fats, you get plenty of the unsaturated fats that are good for you from the olive oil. Also, if you use whole milk then of course you get a better calcium and vitamin D delivery system along with it. It ends up being a lot cheaper than a weight gainer and overall better for you.

Also, don't sweat it if you are gaining a bit of fat. That's normal. I know if I'm eating enough for my cycle if I am putting on just a bit of bodyfat along with the muscle. You can always cut back the fat later on.

Last thing... don't get so caught up in the short term and trying to find results within a month. Look at things a little more long term. I set goals every six months and track results over the long term like that. It gives you a better idea of what is working and what is not. Whenever I try something new with my training, I give it at least a few months to see how it is going before I decide whether it works or not.

Good luck.
I thought "my thighs touch" was kinda self explanatory... When i walk they touch. I dont like them touching... Eventually it'll rub raw, no?
I've had that problem for years. The trick is to get some powder or ointment and put that on your inner thighs in the morning. They make things specifically for this kind of issue.
just out of curiosity how many calories are you consuming and what is your maintenance cals, 17 lbs since starting hst sounds like things are going well.
i just finished my first cycle and i am up 10 pounds.
I dunno a day was:

tbl spn fish oil
whey shake

teaspn peanut butter

weight gain shake(400 cals)

quaker oat cereak 260 cal

chicken patty 180 cal

2slice wheat bread with PB

egg sandwich+ chicken breast

1/2 cup of cream of wheat

activia peach yogurt

fish fillet

yoplait strawberry yogurt

1 cup of milk

bowl of pasta & chicken breast

casein shake