how do i lose fat

When I first started HST, my goal was to lose some fat.  That didn't happen, so I just forgot about it and focused on getting stronger, and I did !  Enough to be willing to enter my first powerlifting meet in August.  So, after the meet is over, what's the best way to lose fat on HST ?  

a.)  Cardio twice per day and low volume HST ? (1-2 sets per exercise)

b.) Cardio once per day and low volume HST ?

c.) Cardio every other day and high volume HST ? (3 sets per exercise)

d.) Cardio every other day, low volume HST, and low diet (below 3k calories per day)

6' 260 lbs/38" waist...want to get down to 34
Eat less. Do cardio on offdays. If you get too tired, cut back your volume. If you get really, really tried, you could cut your HST workouts back to two days, but don't cut it any further than that. You want at least two heavy sessions a week. Don't SD and either skip the 15s entirely, or keep calories at maintenance during the 15s.
I really can't stress how important it is that you track all your calories while trying to cut. So if you aren't used to doing that, get used to it. For calories, cut from fats or carbs, don't cut protein. Keep protein high.
Just to add to Tot, if you go down to 2x/week training, do an extra day of cardio.

Oh and there is a good liking for Tabata here, in terms of its efficacy or at least HIIT!
I'm at the end of my second HST cycle, so my experience is limited, but in both cycles, I started out the 15s by not eating enough. Both times, I was doing HIIT cardio on non lifting days. Well anyway, I lost weight both times, about 2-3 pounds in the two week period. By the end of both phases, I was ramping up my calories for the 10s. I imagine that I would have lost 4 pounds, or 2 per week, if I were keeping the calories low the whole time.

During the 15s, I normally wait a minute or less between exercises, so that may have something to do with it too.

So what I was thinking was that 3 or 4 weeks of 15s would be an efficient, and short cutting phase. I do not know what it would mean in terms of muscle loss, though.
And for goodness sake, if you're not doing it already, start charting your calories per day. It's well worth the 5 minutes a day.

Also, and this is critical, you need to provide us with your numbers in the 3 lifts.
Yeah, I know how to do all of the above. I should have been more explicit in my question. I've already gone from mildly obese to 5% bodyfat, but I did it on high volume. I also lost too much muscle in the process. It's harder for me to lose fat on HST. I think I'll try cardio every day and just cut the cals by 500, and add a higher percentage of protein versus carbs. Since I like your cowbell, I'll give you my 3 lifts.

Bench: 440
Shirted Bench: 565 (titan F6)
Suited Squat: 790
Deadlift: 775
I'll be competing in the 275 lb class, and I'll have my ass handed to me, but it will be fun competing.
Ummmm, 5% body fat is at the limit of sustainable good health. it will be VERY hard to get lower regardless of the type of voodoo you imploy. Mother nature will hand you your ass much sooner, much longer and much harder than any muscle competition.

BTW,your bench without shirt is pretty weak compared to your other lifts
( Just joking!)
(drpierredebs @ Jul. 29 2006,17:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ummmm,  5% body fat is at the limit of sustainable good health. it will be VERY hard to get lower regardless of the type of voodoo you imploy. Mother nature will hand you your ass much sooner, much longer and much harder than any muscle competition.

BTW,your bench without shirt is pretty weak compared to your other lifts
  ( Just joking!)</div>

I'm not trying to get lower than 5% ! When I was that low (for a very brief period, for 2 days maybe) I was almost sick. Right now I'm above 13% and want to get down to 8% after my competition. are right, my bench IS weak. I have long arms, built for pulling, not pushing.
I think it was Lyle (not 100% sure) who advocated starting the cardio a good 2 to 3 weeks before you start dieting.

I think the idea is that a massive jump in cardio plus cutting calories is a bit of a shock to the system and will result in lots of weight loss but probably too much of that will be muscle.

I personally would have thought cardio on your off days (assuming HST 3 days a week) would be fine without needing to do cardio everyday (mind you I'm a cardio phobe, I lost 14lbs recently but didn't do any!).

Incidentally if high volume worked well last time, why can't HST be high volume? Obviously the reps go down but you can chuck in in further 'burn' sets etc.


Very good numbers stevejones. &quot;I gotta have more cowbell!&quot;

As far as losing fat, you can increase your frequency and lift 6 days a week.
At your size right now, just cutting calories and doing cardio on the non-lifting days should be enough to get you down to 10% or so. If you don't lose any weight, you'll have to cut calories further and/or add more work.
You said you lost a ton of muscle mass in the past. Taking that into account, I'd suggest looking into UD2.0 once you get to 10% and want to get lower. I did UD2.0 briefly and lost no lean mass at all, while losing fat. If you are willing to take &quot;assistance&quot; then that would open your options up a bit further. But regardless, UD2.0 is very good for a natural who wants to get below 10% bodyfat without sacrificing loads of muscle to do so.