How Does My Diet Look? (Cutting)

Lynn Belvedere

New Member
My stats:

6'0", 191 lbs, 39" waist, 15.4" calves, 14.7" biceps, 11" forearms, 22.4" thighs.

Current Status:

Flabby for approx. 5 years and motivated to lose the flab. Cutting down to approx. 180 (my peak weight).


Breakfast: Oatmeal, mixed berries, protein shake... (381 calories, 33g protein)

Lunch: Chicken sandwich, veggies, protein shake... (431 calories, 50g protein)

Dinner: Chicken breast, whole wheat bread, veggies... (373 calories, 25g protein)

Snacks (spread throughout day, usually after dinner): 1 bowl bran cereal, 1 litre milk, muscle milk... (830 calories, 62g protein)

Totals: 2,015 calories and 170g of protein (.90g per lbs and probably 1g per lbs of LBM).
i dont think you're counting calories/protein right

what liquid do you use for the oatmeal and shakes?

do you count the bread with the chicken sandwich
I actually don't know what my caloric intake required for maintenance is. My stats are in the 1st post... I work a desk job, so I don't move around a lot. Most of my activity is from HST every 48 hours and walking to and from places.

It was suggested to me on another forum that I just use a trial and error approach. I'll wait until I'm done the 10's and see what my stats are, then I will adjust my caloric intake up or down depending on whether I'm losing too much or too little weight.

This is the first time I've actually written down every calorie and gram of protein I'm ingesting in my life, so I don't really have anything to compare this diet to. Although it does seem like its less than what I used to eat to get myself into my current flabby condition.