How does this look


Active Member
Okay guys I have SD for about 4 weeks due to vacation and just taking a break. Just had my bf tested and I am at 8.6% I started at 195 at 13% and I am currently 181 at 8.6%.

So now I want to bulk cleanly. How does the workout look???

10 degree incline dumbell bench press for 2 sets

dips for 2 sets

rows for 2 sets

lat pull down 2 sets

dumbell press 1 set

side lateral raise 1 set

upright row 1 set

shrugs 1 set

triceps 1 set

biceps 1 set

squats 3 sets

abs 3 sets...and thats it. Trying to put on some more what do you guys think?


You're gonna put on fat if you bulk. Clean or unclean. The cleaner (more % protein out of cals total) you are, the less fat it will be. Energetically/metabolically inefficient I think Vicious calls it (trying to convert protein to fat in adipose tissue).

If that's 3 times a week it looks ok, but wouldn't use isolations during 15s.

If it's 6x a week, I'd cut out the upright rows (some ppl dont' like these in general due to rotator cuff complaints). Also, might want to cut down to 2 sets a day for chest and back, and alt. exercises.
Thanks Jester, yeah I added the upright row to hit some of the traps, only b/c I have not been doing any direct trap work. I think I will take your advice and drop them all together, I dont want any more shoulder problems. However I want to get my upper body as big as possible, so I was thinking the 4 sets for chest and back would help, only b/c I am cutting back the volume in my other muscle groups? What do you guys think?

Also If i am going to do 4 sets for chest would you recommend doing say 2 sets of dips and 2 sets of 10 degree incline or should I just pick one of these exercises and do 4 straight sets???

Thanks Joe.

My routine will look like this after your advice

Chest 4 sets/ back 4 sets/ shoulders 3 sets/ legs 2 sets

arms 1 or maybe 2 sets???

abs 3 sets
Hey Joe :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]However I want to get my upper body as big as possible, so I was thinking the 4 sets for chest and back would help, only b/c I am cutting back the volume in my other muscle groups? What do you guys think?
Sure, the more the merrier, as long as you can handle them. If it's about volume, the answer is generally do as much as you can.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Also If i am going to do 4 sets for chest would you recommend doing say 2 sets of dips and 2 sets of 10 degree incline or should I just pick one of these exercises and do 4 straight sets???
Unless you really really want to emphasize the upper pecs (perhaps they're lacking) through the incline bench, I am prone to suggest to just do dips. Dips are generally better, and you can find a lot of guys here who prefer dips than bench. I personally don't do dips (can't, no equipment, too lazy, etc.), and I still do bench - incline and flat. Whether you do both or just dips would really not matter so much, so don't worry about it.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thanks Joe.
Errr... did you just thank yourself?  

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]arms 1 or maybe 2 sets???
Try 0 sets. After doing 4 sets for the chest , and another 4 sets for the back (dips/bench and lat pulldowns, respectively), you've got enough tension on your arms already. When you reach the 5's or post 5's, just add a set of skullcrushers and a set of incline curls to add stretch to your muscles.
Regards and good luck! :)
Thanks JV, I always love to hear from you!

Got lots of repect for your knowledge! I will take your advice on dropping arms..its going to be interesting how this cycle goes considering I am at my all time low with weight of 177 pounds at 8.6% I dont want to ruin that and bulk to much...just want a good compound routine to slowing add more mass!

I will keep you guys posted, as always thanks for your quick response!

Joe! :)