How important is the SD befor starting?


New Member
I dont mind taking a week or 2 break after finishing a cycle. But I just had a week off a about 1.5 months ago and due to an injury a week off 1.5months befor that.

I was wondering I just took the rest of the week off and start my first cycle on monday would be ok (6 day break as opposed to the 9)
Both the SD and its timing are critical. In order for your muscles to respond optimally to the lighter weights at the beginning of a cycle they need to be deconditioned to as much training stimulus as possible. If you have been working out for 1.5 months or so you should do a proper SD or you are cheating yourself out of several weeks of growth for not waiting 3 additional days. Nothing says you must start a cycle on Monday. I would just SD for 9 days and then start a new cycle. If you want to get back into sync with a normal M/W/F schedule so that you end your cycle on a Friday then just cut a workout or two off the beginning. In other words if you start on next Wednesday then just write off the Monday workout and make your 1st 2 week micro cycle 5 instead of 6 workouts. Better to skip one workout at the beginning of your cycle than to skip SD.
Both the SD and its timing are critical. In order for your muscles to respond optimally to the lighter weights at the beginning of a cycle they need to be deconditioned to as much training stimulus as possible. If you have been working out for 1.5 months or so you should do a proper SD or you are cheating yourself out of several weeks of growth for not waiting 3 additional days. Nothing says you must start a cycle on Monday. I would just SD for 9 days and then start a new cycle. If you want to get back into sync with a normal M/W/F schedule so that you end your cycle on a Friday then just cut a workout or two off the beginning. In other words if you start on next Wednesday then just write off the Monday workout and make your 1st 2 week micro cycle 5 instead of 6 workouts. Better to skip one workout at the beginning of your cycle than to skip SD.

I would just like to say that I agree completely. 1.5 months of training would be over six weeks of training. You definitely need an SD or you will be compromising your gains.
I see how important are the 15s I wanted to do 12/10s/5s

Ive already been trying for awhile heres a bit of a backround.




Arms 16'
Only update measurement I have but will get more befor starting

Ht 5'11.5
Wt 192
If you have been lifting in the 8RM or heavier range for a long time, then you need to do the 15s. The point of the 15s is to prep your joints and CNS for the heavier loads of the 10s and 5s. If you aren't going to do 15s, just skip them and go right into 10s. No point in doing 12s and then 10s, the RMs are so close to each other that you will not have much progression between microcycles.