How many days do you take off for SD?


New Member
According to Bryan, it is 9-12 days. If you have a normal Monday/Wed/Friday routine, this throws it off (can't do 7 or 14 days.) So how many do you go for?
(windjammer @ Nov. 20 2007,03:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">According to Bryan, it is 9-12 days. If you have a normal Monday/Wed/Friday routine, this throws it off (can't do 7 or 14 days.) So how many do you go for?</div>
If you have a normal Mon/Weds/Fri routine, then your last workout of the cycle is on a Friday. You will have the weekend off, and then the entire next week off as well, which adds up to 9 days.
When I slow bulked / bulked, I would take about 16 days off, but between long cuts, I take at most 9 days off if anything at all.
When I did a cut I didn't SD at all. I didn't feel I needed to. Joints were good enough so just kept bashing away. I lost a bit of strength on my heavier compounds and gained a bit on a few lesser ones. I seemingly got stronger doing weighted chins and dips but, of course, as I was getting lighter as my cut progressed, I wasn't really. I actually did improve my pulldowns.

Ordinarily, I take 9 days for SD but I have also taken a week-and-a-half (eg. stop on a Friday then start again on the Wednesday, eleven days later). Then I just do 5 workouts for 15s instead of six. That way I am still in sync with my usual routine. This helps when you are old and forget stuff!
I usually end a cycle on a Friday, take a week off then start up again on the next Monday - so 9 days. Nothing magic about it. For me it's just easier to plot my workouts on a weekly schedule.