How much can we expect our RMs to deteriorate by after Strategic Deconditioning?


After Strategic Decondition, (e.g. of say 9 days), how much can I expect my 15RM to deteriorate by?

My deconditioning consisted of:
- 7 days of holiday (no weights but quite a lot of aerobic running, plus some bursts of swimming), and then 9 days of complete rest. How much would my 15RM (x15 Repeat Max) deteriorate by?

Or do I have to spend a day in the gym experimenting and then have to decondition all over again ? (!)


You want to use your pre-deconditioning maxes anyway, but I think probably one main issue of yours would be the fact that you didn't test your 15 rep maxes beforehand. Using your 10 RM to estimate isn't necessarily very accurate, even if you use a RM calculator to help.
Ah, well if it's PRE-deconditioning RMs, then that's different.
(But by definition, it's now also too late to calculate them !)

To be honest, looking at the numbers, I was expecting it to be a bit of a 'stroll in the park', but in practice there was a fair bit of burn on certain exercises. One problem I have is that I dont have much experience of doing 15 reps (normally I have been doing 10 or 8 which turns out to be a VERY different thing!), so I dont really know how much burn to expect before failure. I mean I can take quite a lot of pain if necessary, but that's not really the point, is it. For me atleast half the point of my doing HST was to have LESS stress on the CNS.

OK for now, I have revised my theoretical 15RM numbers down a *BIT*, and my current plan is just to press ahead and see what happens. And as you point out, during the next 2 weeks I would hope to improve my 15 RMs in any case...

But please tell me this: During the 15RM perio (i.e. 2 weeks) how much burn is one expecting?
Specifically, how much burn are we expecting on day 1 ? (!).