how much SETS on each mesocycle? Increments with 2 sets of workout


New Member
How much sets should be done or averagely done by you guys on each mesocycle?
I was thinking 1x15s , 2x10s , 3x5s.
However it seems so little on the 15s.

Here is also a list of exercises that I will be using. Will be doing a switching from ABA.
Also, how do I increase the weights if I switch from 2 exercises in a mesocycle?
eg: Leg Press and Squats

75% Press - 80% Squats - 85% Press - 90% Squats - 95% Press - 100% Squats?????

80% Press - 80% Squats - 90% Press - 90% Squats and so on...???

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="192"><colgroup><col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3510; width:72pt" span="2" width="96"> </colgroup><tbody><tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td class="xl63" style="height:15.0pt;width:72pt" height="20" width="96">Workout A</td> <td class="xl63" style="width:72pt" width="96">Workout B</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Leg Press</td> <td>Squats</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Inc. DB Press</td> <td>Inc. BB Press</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Close Chins</td> <td>Wide BB Rows</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">SLDL</td> <td>Leg Curls</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Miltary Press</td> <td>Miltary Press</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">DB Shrugs</td> <td>BB Shrugs</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Calf Raises</td> <td>Calf Raises</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Weighted Abs</td> <td>Weighted Abs</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">1-arm Raises</td> <td>Tricep Ext.</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">BB Curls</td> <td>BB Curls</td> </tr> <tr style="height:15.0pt" height="20"> <td style="height:15.0pt" height="20">Tricep Ext.</td> <td>1-arm Raises</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
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First, I would say calculate every number for each of the 6 workouts you are suppose to do in the 15's. Then, workout 1 let's suppose you do leg press for your first workout of 15's. Good. Then, for your 2nd workout in the 15's, you do squat with the 2nd number you have in squat. And you just keep going with 3rd for leg press, 4th for squat, 5th leg press and finish up with your 6th workout with squat, with 100% of your 15 RM.

I don't know if that sounded clear, but in fact it's really simple...
I asked a similar question on the forums not too long ago. Tdawg_33 posted this for me.

Here are 2 layouts of A/B Split routines. Hope this helps.

Workout 1: 75% A
Workout 2: 80% B
Workout 3: 85% A
Workout 4: 90% B
Workout 5: 95% A
Workout 6: 100% B
Workout 1: 75% B
Workout 2: 80% A
Workout 3: 85% B
Workout 4: 90% A
Workout 5: 95% B
Workout 6: 100% A
5’s(first 2 weeks)
Workout 1: 75% A
Workout 2: 80% B
Workout 3: 85% A
Workout 4: 90% B
Workout 5: 95% A
Workout 6: 100% B

5’s (weeks 3&4) Keep trying to add weight each session if possible to your 100% RM for the duration of this 2 week cycle. Only add weight to an exercise when you can complete all the sets/reps. It’s ok torepeat the same loads at this time because the weights are heavy enough that RBE (repeated bout effect) won’t be an issue.
Workout 1: B
Workout 2: A
Workout 3: B
Workout 4: A
Workout 5: B
Workout 6: A

Workout 1: 80% A
Workout 2: 80% B
Workout 3: 90% A
Workout 4: 90% B
Workout 5: 100% A
Workout 6: 100% B
Workout 1: 80% A
Workout 2: 80% B
Workout 3: 90% A
Workout 4: 90% B
Workout 5: 100% A
Workout 6: 100% B
5’s (first two weeks)
Workout 1: 80% A
Workout 2: 80% B
Workout 3: 90% A
Workout 4: 90% B
Workout 5: 100% A
Workout 6: 100% B

5’s (weeks 3 and 4) Keep trying to add weight each session if possible to your 100% RM for the duration of this 2 week cycle. Only add weight to an exercise when you can complete all the sets/reps. It’s ok to repeat the same loads at this time because the weights are heavy enough that RBE (repeated bout effect) won’t be an issue.
Workout 1: A
Workout 2: B
Workout 3: A
Workout 4: B
Workout 5: A
Workout 6: B​

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Chunky it took me a while to understand it hahah but i finally got it, thanks man it follows the principle of progressive load that way.

mftii - thanks for posting up the detailed layout of how the following workout will be, is this going to be your first cycle too? how many sets are you going to do per exercise in each mesocycle and can i see your exercise list?
This is indeed my first cycle. I am not far enough into it to really speak of whether or not it is working. I have seen a spike in my appetite and can definetly feel it. One thing that I have learned is that you should probably up your reps for abs, depending on what exercises you are doing.

Day A..............................Day B
Squats............................Dead Lifts
Chins...............................Bent over rows
Inc BB bench.....................Dips
Military press....................Arnold Press
Crunch Pull Down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Decline Cruches
BB shrugs

On off days I alternate between doing 20 minutes on the treadmill at 5mph and an incline walk on the treadmill at 2.5 mph.

If you would like to see the thread that I posted on this subject, here it is:
Good luck bud and let me know how this works for you.
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