How much strength loss is expected during cut?


New Member
So I have been cutting my calories down to trim a little excess body fat. Should I expect strength decreases since I will now be in a calorie deficit? What adjustments should I make to my training? Should I keep trying to progress and add more weight or just maintain?

(Dvst8or @ Oct. 15 2007,22:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I expect strength decreases since I will now be in a calorie deficit?</div>
Not necessarily. You should not expect to grow during a cut, but you don't have to lose any strength.

I've been doing a hellacious strength program while cutting for over six weeks. I got some help from one of the reliable posters here, and have managed to lose about a half a pound per week. Even so, I'm starting to hit some personal bests.

Just keep your protein intake up to 1 gram per pound of body weight (or more). So long as you are regularly putting a mechanical load on your muscles, you need not to lose either muscle tissue or strength.
I wouldn't expect any strength loss. You might lose some endurance, but you should try to maintain absolute strength at least. I like to do this my working with my 5 RM at least once a week while cutting. It is also fun to do some triples or singles every other week.

If you are losing strength too quickly, then you are probably cutting calories too much.
Like Totz and the others have said, if you do things nice and gradually (like 1lb a week) you shouldn't find that you lose a lot of strength, if any. I found that my deads and back squats did suffer a bit. I could still lift the weight but just not for as many consecutive reps. I actually increased my strength on parallel grip pulldowns.

There is definitely a psychological barrier to overcome too; you won't feel as energised, especially towards the end of your cut, and so hard work just seems that much harder.
Okay I have noticed the endurance decrease. I just finished my 15's and I could not finish 15 reps for my maxes. I had to cluster them to finish the set.

I haven't noticed a decline in strength.....yet. In fact I was still able to increase my maxes from last cycle but only slightly. I guess I was just worried that because of the endurance decrease that my strength would follow.

Can someone give me some examples of what I should change in my training program. Or should I just keep up with the normal HST that I have been doing all along?

Thanks for all the help,
(Dvst8or @ Oct. 16 2007,19:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Okay I have noticed the endurance decrease.  I just finished my 15's and I could not finish 15 reps for my maxes.  I had to cluster them to finish the set.

I haven't noticed a decline in strength.....yet.  In fact I was still able to increase my maxes from last cycle but only slightly.  I guess I was just worried that because of the endurance decrease that my strength would follow.

Can someone give me some examples of what I should change in my training program.  Or should I just keep up with the normal HST that I have been doing all along?

Thanks for all the help,
1. Do not do 15's during a cut
2. Use frequent loading
3. Use moderately heavy loads 5RM or so
4. Cluster if necessary to maintain appropriate workloads

Your strength can actually increase during cutting as testified by others here.
As far as energy and endurance are concerned, center your caloric intake primarily before your WO. You don't want to be lifting while you are hungry. This is trivial, but nevertheless important.
(Dan Moore @ Oct. 17 2007,09:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1. Do not do 15's during a cut
2. Use frequent loading
3. Use moderately heavy loads 5RM or so
4. Cluster if necessary to maintain appropriate workloads

Your strength can actually increase during cutting as testified by others here.</div>
1 = too late, lol

3 = so you are saying that I should only be doing 5's while cutting?

Thanks again,
(Dvst8or @ Oct. 18 2007,02:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3 = so you are saying that I should only be doing 5's while cutting?

Thanks again,
No, I'm saying the load should be moderately heavy, 5RM or so.

While cutting your goal should be maintaining the size you have. Working with moderately heavy weights aids in this goal.

If you want to use 8Rm, 6Rm, 5Rm, 4Rm or whatever then do it.

The below is for general info and not aimed only or directly at you.

Do not SD during a cut, you are already at a hypertrophy disadvantage by not having a surplus of calories for growth, do not compound this by not loading the muscle tissue as well.