How much strength on HST?


New Member
How much strength have you gained this year by done HST?
I not did HST, but I gained 10 % on lower body mov. and less than 5% on upper-body.Zero size gains, but I am to stressed to train.
And you?How 2007 was for you?
Many of us couldn't say because we came here from programs like MuscleNow (me), DC, Westside and other strength oriented programs. I went up on a few things and down in others, as I've aged and lost hormone counts.
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 15 2007,05:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My biggest progress was in bench press. From 72.5 kilos to 80 kilos (rm6) on one cycle.</div>
then it's not much of a problem anymore?
(Avi1985 @ Dec. 15 2007,15:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I dont understand</div>
Nevermind, I read &quot;progress&quot; as problem!