how much time between AM and PM workout?

How much time should you rest between AM and PM workout. Or does it not matter? also, if you do squats on AM workout, do you have enough energy to do deadlifts on PM workout?
I would say six hours or so should be plenty of time. Also, I believe you could handle deadlifts in the PM and squats in the AM. I do them in the same workout and I do not consider myself to be insanely well conditioned... but some people have a difficult time doing both in the same day, so just try it out and see what happens.
I just started my second 2x day MWF routine.  last time I did the same workout AM and PM, so the squat and deadlift was alternated.  This time, I am doing it the way Bryan suggested and doing workout A (squat) in the AM and workout B (deadlift) in the PM.  Strength was good last cycle with a 40 pound increase in my deadlift.

I have only done the two workouts yesterday and strength was not an issue, could be because it is only first W/O in the 15's.  The DOMS is the worst I have ever had it at any point through 4 HST cycles though.  It's not severe though and will not prohibit tomorrow's W/O.

I would start with low volume and see what happens.  I did one set through the 15's, one set in the 10's, 1-2 sets in the 5's, with a drop or burn set of 8-12 reps. I may have been able to handle slightly more volume if I had not been olympic lifting TuThSat.  I did gain 7 pounds though.

I agree with Totentanz, at least 6 hours between W/O's.  In the 5's and neg's it helped to take a short nap before the PM workout.  You REALLY need to eat if bulking though.