How much weight do you think i should be lifting?

  • Thread starter Thread starter andysutils
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Hello everyone.

I am looking to follow a HST program to bulk and get bigger, gain more weight but i am only very light at 6ft 140lbs.

I am very cardio fit because i am a thai boxer but im talking a couple of months break from it.

How much weight do you think i should start off with to be lifting?
You need to start by taking three days and finding your maxes with the 15's, 10's, and 5's.

Take a day break in between.

Also i found that by the time I got to the end of th 5's my max was way up. I don't have a training partner so I continued my 5's for an extra two weeks. I'd continue to raise the weight each week until I found my new max and would work from there for my next cycle.
The answer to that question depends upon your results. You first have to have some strength standards. My suggestions:
If you haven't lifted weights before, spend about two weeks using weights that you can do 20 reps with at first, and increase the weights each workout. If you can't get 20 reps when the weight goes up, just do as many as you can without going all the way to failure. (stop when a rep really slows down) This way, you'll be conditioning yourself without getting too sore and discouraged before the test.
Next, test yourself for each exersize in 15, 10, and 5 rep maxes. You'll start with a warmup weight (maybe the one you left off with) and increase until you hit your maxes and write them down. Then you'll be able to start the HST program at 15 rep sets for two weeks and so forth.
Two things you need most to begin: Read the HST articles and instructions thoroughly, and if you don't know how to perform any exersizes properly; find out. No sense in getting injured from lack of knowledge.

For info:

I threw in the calculators for fun, the nutrition website for obvious reasons. Oh, and did you know you have to EAT and SLEEP? That is how the body builds. It's more of a lifestyle, rather than an occasional hobby. Consistency is key.
thx guys, As you can see 6ft age 27 at 140lbs, there is something very wrong here.

Just hope I can find something that works.
(andysutils @ Dec. 27 2006,09:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">thx guys, As you can see 6ft age 27 at 140lbs, there is something very wrong here.

Just hope I can find something that works.</div>
first off.....i agree with quad and firefighters advice. take a little time in the gym to get a handle on what your doing and how much you can do it with. the links posted are good as well as just some reading in the forums here and youll find the same exercise and diet  suggestions repeated over and over. go with the basics to start.

as far as &quot;something being very wrong here.&quot;....well yes and no.
yes in the fact that 6' 140lbs is very slight for any age but at 27 you do usually see &quot;more&quot; of something at that age. i suspect that you do quite a bit of cardio work for your thai boxing and if you happen to have slight build/fast metab. to start with, you probably dont take in enough cals to be more than 140.

the &quot;no&quot; part is that despite the above mentioned facts you can do something about it. taking a break from the boxing will help (at least as far as wgt gain goes) as it really comes down to taking in more cals then you burn while being on a good (hst) lifting program over time. dont expect to be j.c. vandamme in a few months (like many do) but over the next couple months you should add size and strength if your eating enough (and w/o). just realize that once you begin the boxing again youll have to take in even more cals to account for the added cardio.

good luck