How to add chins and dips to routine


New Member
I can only do about 10 bw chins to failure.  Dips around 15 to failure (also body weight).

With this in mind, how would I add them to my routine?

my routine will be the following:

squats / deadlifts (rotating)
bench press / dips (rotating)
bent over rows / chins (rotating)
military press
standing calf press

I am confused... take the 15's for instance.  I can't even do 15 chins to failure, let alone weighted.  During the 10's, I would be able to do them, but not weighted.  During the 5's I could add some weight, but not much.  Same for dips...

So I was thinking, I could add weight ea workout, not much, but some...  If I did, say during the 15's, I could do 15 reps total, not caring how many sets it takes me to complete those 15 reps...  so for instance, I might add 10lbs on day 1 and do 5/4/3/2/1 - so a total of 15 reps, yet 5 sets to complete.  Would this be ideal?  Then day 2, I could strap on like 20lbs and do the same till I completed all 15, regardless of how many sets to complete.  During the 10's and 5's I would do the same till I finished a total of 20 and 15 reps (assuming i do 2 sets of 10's and 3 sets of 5's).

Thanks, Dave
Dave, i have the same problem, i cant do alot of chins or dips....

My routine is similar to yours, i alternate incline bench and decline bench (instead of dips) and rows with lat pulldowns (instead of chins).

They are pretty much the same movement just allows you to use lighter loads. If you wanted you could include chins and dips in your 5's if you really wanted to do them.

Hope this helps. matt.
I am not sure if your problem is that you are not strong enough to do BW chins and dips or you don't have the means (weight belt) to do weighted dips and chins. I'll pick the first and say that if you are able to use assisted machines (the ones where there is a pad that supports your knees or feet and you can choose how much weight it helps you with) just put the BW when you are able to stand it and work back by adding weight to the assistance (therefore making the exercise lighter). If you don't have assistance machines you can do what ratty said and use lat pulldowns instead of chins and decline bench instead of dips.
Using the same weight all the time (BW) breaks the principle of progressive load.

Its not such a big deal, if you can do 10 BW chins and about 15 BW Dips, by thetime you get to 5's you could try and add a little weight right?

The way you sheduled them is fine.

for 15's do 2 sets, one of 10 then one of 5, its not abig deal, the all important thing is progression of some kind!
If you are training at a gym then just do machine pull-downs during 15s. You are after a burn during 15s and in order to get to the point where metabolic by-products are bringing on that burning sensation you'll need to be doing 15 or more reps. I tend to start 15s doing 20+ reps while still avoiding failure.

Once you get to 10s switch to chins; try to stop short of failure on your first set and see if you can add a rep or two for the second set over the two weeks of 10s. During 5s add a bit of weight and try to do three sets across with that weight. If possible, increase the load a little each session until you are only able to manage 5 reps for the first set. Then start clustering reps up to your required total. 5lb increments would probably be enough.

Chins and dips obviously get a whole lot easier when your body fat levels are around 10% or less.

Doing negs for chins and dips during post 5s can really help you to improve your numbers for these two exercises. I'd work up to my 3RM load, do two regular reps and then another 4-5 negs per set. There's quite a bit on negatives in the fAQ if you fancy giving them a try.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.  I workout at home, in which I only have access to a power rack and olympic set  

I am thinking during the 15's I will just do bw and stop before failure, trying to shoot for a couple more reps the next time like lol mentioned. I will then add 10lbs during the 10's and 20lbs or more during the 5's (5's are not really an issue).  So each workout will not jump in weight but over the 8 week period, total reps will remain pretty constant (~15/20/15) and weight will increase (0/10/20lbs), thus, goal achieved.  
