How to deal with zeal to train during strategic deconditioning


New Member
How do you guys deal with wanting to train while strategic deconditioning? For me, weight training is theraputic and not training regularly makes me irritable. I'm on day 5 of a SD before I try my first HST cycle and am itching to lift weights. I even had a dream last night about dumbbells! I guess the ideal time to SD would be while on vacation but what about other times, how do you cope?

Yep - been there. There are a couple things you could try...

1) Light cardio. Jog a couple miles - this may be enough to get that therapeutic feeling that you get when you lift.
2) Yoga. I've been a yoga devotee for a couple years now, and find that it can really help complement lifting. Hop on Amazon and look for Yoga Zone DVD's, or if you want a challenge, look for Kest Power Yoga.
3) Do HST homework - read and reread the FAQ's and design your cycle bearing in mind the advice that folks give here time and time again. No, this isn't lifting, but it's important to do prior to your cycle.

Hope that helps! Best of luck through the rest of your SD.