How to do abs on HST (tempo, sets, etc)


New Member
Currently, I do about 8 sets on my abs. 3xdecline sit ups, 3xleg raises, and then 2x V ups. I take about a 30 second break between each set. For decline sit ups and leg raises, I go very slow (4 seconds up, 4 seconds down) until failure. How should I do this differently with HST in terms of tempo, number of sets (2 seems so little), etc?
Find an ab exercise you can progress on and train it like any other exercise (cable crunches for example)if you really want to train abs directly.

However the abs get worked from exercises where you need a stable core such as deadlifts and squats so if you are doing those you may not even need to do ab exercises.
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Or select your favorite ab exercises (sit ups, cable crunches, whatever...) and incrementally add weights. That would match the HST paradigm.