how to do myorep progression in hst


i plan to use myoreps in my next cycle. i want to test them out with just my isolation exercises first just to see how i like them. i understand myoreps and how to use them but i'm not exactly sure how to implement them in hst with the 15s, 10s, and 5s and how to progress the weight with them in each minicycle. i was wondering if someone could set up a myorep progression cycle for me in each minicycle or at least tell me how to do it. here are my 15, 10, and 5 maxes for barbell curls and close-grip bench press...

barbell curls: 15s- 70lbs 10s-80 5s-90
close grip bench 15s- 105 10s- 120 5s-135

Make it simple:

Week 1 (15s): 61-69%1RM 12-15 +4x
Week 2 (15s): 61-69%1RM 12-15 +4x
Week 3 (10s): 69-78%1RM 9-12 +3x
Week 4 (10s): 69-78%1RM 9-12 +3x
Week 5 ( 5s): 86-78%1RM 6-9 +1-2x
Week 6 ( 5s): 86-78%1RM 6-9 +1-2x
Week 7 (P5s): 86-94%1RM 3-6 +1-2x + 61-69%1RM 12-15 +4x (backoff sets)
Week 8 (P5s): 86-94%1RM 3-6 +1-2x + 61-69%1RM 12-15 +4x (backoff sets)
Week 9: SD
Week10: SD (if you like)

You may zig-zag or use linear weight progression. It won't matter that much. Just do the math and off you go.
nkl awesome reply. little clarification on the notation though...for example 12-15 +4x...does this mean i do 12-15 reps straight, stop a couple repetitions before failure, take a 5-10 breath pause and then do 4 reps on each following myoreps' set? such as do 12 reps on bicep curls, stop, do 4 more reps, stop, 4 more reps, stop, 4 more reps, etc.? thanks again for the reply. also, what should my end goal of reps be on the 15s, 10s, and 5s? typically i follow the vanilla hst routine and just do 1x15, 2x10, 3x5
ahh nevermind found it....
So 10-12 +3x would look like this:

11 reps
rerack the weight and take 10 to 15 deep breaths (20-30 secs)
unrack the weight and do 3 reps
rerack and rest for another 10-15 deep breaths
unrack and another 3 reps
...and so on until you can barely complete 3 reps (or you fail at 1-2 reps)