How to handle week 7+8?


New Member
Hey everybody,

I will soon be done with the 5rep weeks (and I've been making good progress in size and strength increases!), and I was wondering how I should train during the last 2 weeks.

I haven't got a training partner to help with eccentric movements, so I thought I would do dropsets during the last 2 weeks.

Should I use the 5rep max every time and then do dropsets? Should I use the same progression up to the 5RM on the last day plus dropsets (although I don't see the point of this since you are basically training to complete failure anyway due to the drops). Should I perhaps move into 7-8RM range to mix things up again?

How do you train during the last 2 weeks of the HST cycle?

Many thanks everybody :))
I would do your 5 RM and then drop sets or metabolic sets. Alternatively, you can also drop down to 3 RM and do the same thing.